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.The attacker walks in and throws the right punch to the face, while holds up the left guard.The defensive steps the left foot obliquely to the right side at close quarters, the weight on the leftfoot.Pares the punch out of the face by the left arm and counter by throwing the right punch to theattacker s face immediately.If the attacker throws the left punch, do the same as above in the opposite directions.116 The Java Thaws spear MovementThis Kon Muay is the main style tosidestep out of the straight punchand counter by the elbow.The attacker walks in and throwsthe left punch to the defensives face.The defensive steps out quickly bythe right foot obliquely to out circle(the weight on the right leg) close tothe attacker.Pares the attacker spunch out by the left arm.Bend theright arm as the angle burst in to theattacker s rib.If the attacker throws the rightpunch do the same as above in theopposite directions.For training, theattackers must not throw the elbowto the rib, but use the arm touch therib.Do it slowly for training.If youdo it very fast, the trance may beinjured.Inao stabs his KrisIt is the main style to block the straight punch by fighting at close quarters.The attacker walks in and throws the left punch to the defensive face.The defensive steps in hurry by the left foot obliquely to inside (the weight on the left leg).Paresthe punch out by the right arm.Bends the left arm as the angle paralleled to the floor in order toburst the attacker s rib.If the attacker throws the right punch, the defensive do the same as above in the oppositedirections.117 Lifting the SumaruMountainThis Kon Muay use for defense thestraight punch at close quarters by letthe punch pass over the head andthrowing the punch at the chin.The attacker walks in and throwsthe left punch at the defensive s face.The defensive bends the headdown, let the punch pass over whilesteps forwards with the left foot.Thenthrows suddenly the left punch to theattacker s chin.If the attacker throws with the rightpunch.Do the same as above in theopposite directions.The old man holding a pod MovemenThis Kon Muay is the basic technique to defense the upper punch by pushing the punch out withthe arm.The attacker walks in and throws the left punch to the defensive s faceThe defensive steps forward by crossing the left foot in to the attacker s in-circle, the weight onthe left leg.Bends the right arm and holds up in the front of the face.Then throws it over to pushthe attacker s fist out over the head.Throws the left punch to the tip of the chin.If the attacker throws with the right punch.Do the same as above in the opposite directions.118 The Mon press against thepillar MovementThis Kon Muay is the important mainmovement to defense against the fistby pressing against the top of the chest orthe abdomen.The attacker walks in and throws the leftfist to the defensive s face.The defensive holds the both hands up toguard one s face, while thrusting with theleft leg to the top of the chest or theabdomen.If the attacker throws the right fist.Do thesame as above in the opposite directions.The warlord hit with thelance MovementThis Kon Muay is using to defend theopponent s punch by kicking atthe middle of the body close to theabdomen or the rib.This movement is apowerful attack.The attacker walks in and throws theleft punch at the defensive s face.The defensive steps with the rightfoot out obliquely to the outer circle, theweight on the right foot, lets theattacker s left punch pass over throughthe shoulder.At the same time oftouching the right foot on the floor,continues by throwing the kick at theattacker s rib.If the attacker throws the right fist.Dothe same as above in the oppositedirections.119 Extinguish the lamps MovementThis Kon Muay is using to defend the straight punch by throwing the punch to the face.The attacker walks in and throws the left straight punch at the defensives face.Guard over thechin with the right fist.The defensive steps the right foot out obliquely to the out-circle at the level of the straight fist,the weight on the right leg.Grabs the punch with the right arm then press down the attacker s leftarm in order to make the clear target at the chin.Then throws the left punch to the face at thesame time of to pressing own.If the attacker throws the right fist.Do the same as above in the opposite directions.Rat walks on the lineMovementThis Kon Muay is Mae Mai, the mastermovement of training to slow downThe strength punch and gets the opportunityto counter by kicking kneeing or throw apunch as you like.The attacker walks in and throws the rightpunch to the defensive s face.The defensive pounces the right hand onthe attacker s left immerse wrist and the jointof the elbow at the same time.Bends thebody to the back in order to slow down thestraighten punch and throws the right kneeor counter by kicking at the attacker s rib atonce.If the attacker throws the left punch, do thesame as above in the opposite directions.120 The elephant pushes theivory MovementThis movement uses for defense thepunch by turning the body to push the fistout and counter by throwing the swingingpunch at the same time.The defensive pushes the punch outwith the right arm and steps the right footobliquely to the outside in order to make adistance to deliver the punch.Then upthe left punch to the tip of the chin.If the attacker throws the right punch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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