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.Also "Breast Cancer Excision Less with Selection,Staging", By F.R.C Johnstone, M.D., Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, 134:211,Medical Tribune, Oct.6, 1971, p.1.Also "Breast Cancer Research on Trial," ScienceNews, April 30,1994, pp.277, 282, 283, 286.1972.Also "Consultant's Comment," by George Crile, Jr., M.D., Calif.MedicalDigest , Aug 1972, p.893 Also "Project at better Lung Cancer Survival,"2."Treatment Differences and Other Prognostic Factors Related to BreastCancer Survival: Delivery Systems and Medical Outcomes," by Anna Lee Medical tribune, Oct.20.1971.Also Statement by Dr.Lewis A.Leone, Director ofFeldstein, Hoda Anton-Culver, and Paul ].Feldstein, Journal of the Amend the department of Oncology at Rhode Island Hospital in Providence, as quotedMedical Association, ISSN:0098-7484, April 20,1994.in " Cancer Controls Still Unssuccessful," LA.Herald Examiner, June 6, 1972,3.Hardin B.Jones, Ph.D, "A Report on Cancer," paper delivered to the ACS'sp.c-12.11th Annual Science Writers Conference, New Orleans, Mar.7,1969.2.Johnstone , "Results of Treatment of Carcinoma of the Breast," op.cit. "PROVEN" CANCER CURES 143142 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part Onenewspaper tells us: FIND 'ALARMING' NUMBER OF CANCER CASESis that, like the other therapies approved by orthodox medicineIN PEOPLE WHO HAD X-RAY THERAPY 20 YEARS AGO.(1)surgery removes only the tumor.It does not remove the cause.The Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing, a standard referenceThe rationale behind X-ray therapy is the same as withfor Registered Nurses, is most emphatic on this point.It says:surgery.The objective is to remove the tumor, but to do so byburning it away rather than cutting it out.Here, also, it isThis is an area of public health concern because it may involveprimarily the non-cancer cell that is destroyed.The more malig-large numbers of people who may be exposed to low levels ofnant the tumor, the more resistant it is to radio therapy.If this radiation over a long period of time.The classic example is of thewomen employed in the early 1920's to paint watch and clock dialswere not so, then X-ray therapy would have a high degree ofwith luminizing (radium containing) paints.Years later, bone sarco-success which, of course, it does not.mas resulted from the carcinogenic effect of the radium.Similarly,If the average tumor is composed of both cancer and non-leukemia occurs more frequently in radiologists than other physi-cancer cells, and if radiation is more destructive to non-cancercians.Another example is the Hiroshima survivors who have showncells than to cancer cells, then it would be logical to expect thethe effects of low levels of radiation.results to be a reduction of tumor size, but also an increase in theAmong the most serious of the late consequences of irradiationpercentage of malignancy.This is, in fact, exactly what happens.damage is the increased susceptibility to malignant metaplasia andCommenting on this mechanism, Dr.John Richardsonthe development of cancer at sites of earlier irradiation.Evidenceexplained it this way:cited in support of this relationship refers to the increased incidenceof carcinoma of skin, bone, and lung after latent periods of 20 yearsRadiation and /or radiomimetic poisons will reduce palpable,and longer following irradiation of those sites.Further support hasgross or measurable tumefaction.Often this reduction may amountbeen adduced from the relatively high incidence of carcinoma of theto seventy-five percent or more of the mass of the growth.Thesethyroid 7 years and longer following low-dosage irradiation of theagents have a selective effect radiation and poisons.They selec-thymus in childhood, and from the increased incidence of leukemiatively kill everything except the definitively neoplastic [cancer] cells.following total body irradiation at any age.(2)For example, a benign uterine myoma will usually melt awayunder radiation like snow in the sun [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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