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.You can paste an object in the centerof the Stage or in a position relative to its original position.To move or copy objects by pasting:1 Select an object or multiple objects.2 Choose Edit > Cut or Edit > Copy.3 Select another layer, scene, or file and do one of the following:" Choose Edit > Paste to paste the selection in the center of the Stage." Choose Edit > Paste in Place to paste the selection in the same position relativeto the Stage.About copying artwork with the ClipboardElements copied to the Clipboard are anti-aliased, so they look as good in otherapplications as they do in Flash.This is particularly useful for frames that includea bitmap image, gradients, transparency, or a mask layer.Graphics pasted from other movies or programs are placed in the current frame ofthe current layer.How a graphic element is pasted into a Flash scene depends onthe type of element it is, its source, and the preferences you have set:" Text from a text editor becomes a single text object." Vector-based graphics from any drawing program become a group that can beungrouped and edited like any other Flash element." Bitmaps become a single grouped object just like imported bitmaps.You canbreak apart pasted bitmaps or convert pasted bitmaps to vector graphics.For information on converting bitmaps to vector graphics, see  Convertingbitmaps to vector graphics on page 161.Note: Before pasting graphics from FreeHand into Flash, set your FreeHand exportpreferences to convert colors to CMYK and RGB for Clipboard formats.188 Chapter 7 Copying transformed objectsTo create a scaled, rotated, or skewed copy of an object, you can use theTransform panel.To create a transformed copy of an object:1 Select an object.2 Choose Window > Panels > Transform.3 Enter scale, rotation, or skew values.See  Scaling objects on page 191, Rotating objects on page 192, and  Skewing objects on page 194.4 Click the Create Copy button in the Transform panel (the left button in thebottom right corner of the panel).Deleting objectsDeleting an object removes it from the file.Deleting an instance on the Stage doesnot delete the symbol from the library.To delete objects:1 Select an object or multiple objects.2 Do one of the following:" Press Delete or Backspace." Choose Edit > Clear." Choose Edit > Cut." Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the object and select Cutfrom the context menu.Working with Objects 189 Stacking objectsWithin a layer, Flash stacks objects based on the order in which they were created,placing the most recently created object on the top of the stack.The stackingorder of objects determines how they appear when they are overlapping.Drawn lines and shapes always appear below groups and symbols on the stack.Tomove them up the stack, you must group them or make them into symbols.Youcan change the stacking order of objects at any time.Note that layers also affect the stacking order.Everything on Layer 2 appears ontop of everything on Layer 1, and so on.To change the order of layers, drag thelayer name in the Timeline to a new position.See Chapter 8,  Using Layers.To change the stacking order of an object:1 Select the object.2 Use one of the following commands:" Choose Modify > Arrange > Bring to Front or Send to Back to move the objector group to the top or bottom of the stacking order." Choose Modify > Arrange > Bring Forward or Send Backward to move theobject or group up or down one position in the stacking order.If more than one group is selected, the groups move in front of or behind allunselected groups, while maintaining their order relative to each other.190 Chapter 7 Scaling objectsScaling an object enlarges or reduces the object horizontally, vertically, or both.You can scale an object by dragging or by entering values in the Transform panel.Instances, groups, and type blocks are scaled in relation to their registration point.See  Moving an object s registration point on page 198.To scale an object by dragging:1 Select the object.2 Select the Arrow tool and click the Scale modifier in the Options section of thetoolbox, or choose Modify > Transform > Scale.3 Do one of the following:" To scale the object both horizontally and vertically, drag one of the cornerhandles.Proportions are maintained as you scale." To scale the object either horizontally or vertically, drag a center handle.4 Click a blank area on the Stage or choose Modify > Transform > Scale to hidethe scale handles.Note: When you increase the size of a number of items, those near the edges of thebounding box might be moved out of the Stage.If this occurs, choose View > Work Areato see the elements that are beyond the edges of the Stage.To scale an object with the Transform panel:1 Select the object.2 Choose Window > Panels > Transform.3 Enter a scale value between 1 and 1000 for vertical, horizontal, or both.4 Select Constrain to maintain proportions.5 Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).Working with Objects 191 Rotating objectsRotating an object turns it around its registration point [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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