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.Grateful Peace was coming to some sort of crisis, and with a physician's patient watchfulness, Dochad set himself to see the other man through.They were joined by Firekeeper."Blind Seer," she said to Doc, glancing with open affection at the sleeping wolf, "say you nearly kill yourself to save him.Thank you."Doc nodded."He nearly was killed protecting us and trying to stop Lady Melina.It's all one and the same." "His eye?" Firekeeper asked, tilting her head to one side inquisitively."I don't know," Doc replied."The swelling could be a good thing, protecting the eye while it heals.There's no greatamount of pus, no bleeding, but I can't make promises."Firekeeper nodded glumly."He told me to remember that Lady Melina wasn't a wolf," she said."And I forgot twice.Twice she used that to defeatme."They'd already heard her account of how she had pursued Lady Melina, how Bold and Elation had saved her and regainedthe ring, how she had let Lady Melina escape."Don't blame yourself," Derian said gently."Who else can I blame?" she asked bitterly."Not Bold, not Elation without them I would be dead.Not Blind Seer hewarned me."Doc leaned over and touched Grateful Peace's forehead."Fever's breaking.Riding in the cold today may have kept him from burning alive, but it will take its toll.How's the soupcoming?"Derian checked the small kettle where the livers and hearts from their evening meal simmered in snowmelt."It's taking on color," he said."Good.Ladle some into that mug.I want it to cool a bit before I spoon it into him."As Derian complied, Doc went on:"Firekeeper, I've been thinking about what Lady Melina told you about where Citrine might be.She's almost certainly inthe eastern part of Hawk Haven, probably down by the shore.""You think so?" Firekeeper asked.Derian relaxed from a tension he hadn't even been aware was holding him stiff, for the self-loathing had left the wolf-woman's tone, replaced by the eagerness she always demonstrated when action was contemplated."You know that Princess Lovella died going after enemies of Hawk Haven, right?""Yes," Firekeeper nodded eagerly, "and you were with her and were made knight for bravery.""Well, those enemies were pirates and smugglers, allies of Bright Bay at that time, which is why we were so eager to be atthem.""Yes?""They had a stronghold, an old lighthouse in the swamps that spread north of Port Haven, near where the White Watermeets the ocean.I've been thinking, like I said, and the more I think, the more likely it seems to me that Baron Endbrook mayhave stored his hostage there.""Why?"There was no challenge in Firekeeper's tone, only a desire for information."The Islanders have long been allies of the pirates, that's one reason.Secondly, the weather is bad for deep-water sailing,bad enough that I don't think he would have risked her on a voyage to the Isles.I want your help checking this.""How?""Elise gave me the idea."Derian grinned slightly as Doc's tone warmed slightly, the way it always did when he spoke of Elise.Apparently, seeingher unwashed, half-shaved, and cranky had done nothing to diminish his admiration."Earlier, she mentioned that the Beasts should have given you more help.Well, I found myself musing over what we coulddo if we had a few more of your wingéd folk.Then I thought, well, we still have Bold with us and I've gathered that there areothers who keep an eye on things."Firekeeper nodded."If Bold would go ahead of us, down to the swamps, maybe talk to some of the seagulls or something& "From Doc's tone, Derian could tell that despite the fact that he'd nearly killed himself to save Blind Seer, he felt ridiculoussuggesting asking animals to do a job that would take conscious thought and planning."They could check if Citrine is at the lighthouse," Doc concluded."That would save us a considerable amount of effort andthen, if she is there, if a bird or two would carry messages to both King Tedric and King Allister& "Doc swallowed hard."Well, not only could we rescue Citrine, maybe we could finish what Princess Lovella started, maybe we could put outSmuggler's Light." BOOKTHREEChapter XXXIVOwl Moon had been showing her first quarter when Baron Endbrook had sent a messenger to Dragon's Breath with abox for Lady Melina Shield.When Owl Moon had shone fat and round, he had imagined the lady receiving the boxand its grisly contents.By the time Owl Moon had waned to a quarter once more, Waln was eagerly awaiting herreply.Yet he had not been idle as those days passed.Though pirates and smugglers by profession, scofflaws by choice, killers when needed, there were few among thosehardened men and women who dwelled in the Smuggler's Light who had not been shocked by Waln'scool mutilation ofyoung Citrine Shield's hand.That he had done the deed himself, rather than ordering some lackey to do it for him, had only raised him in theirestimation.Given the lives they led, the pirates often mistook the sensation of fear for that of respect.Since his days as a gutter bully, Waln had learned how to capitalize on others' fears.He would not let the opportunityescape him now.Even as Fess Bones was binding up the weeping girl's hand, Waln had swaggered down into the common area thatoccupied the second story of the lighthouse.Longsight Scrounger, who to this moment had reigned supreme over those gathered in this illicit stronghold, didn't likeseeing his vassals shrink from another.Had he been a dog, his hackles would have risen and his lips curled back from histeeth [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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