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."Thus, in order to be quite safe, we must leave here on 17th at latest.Thenwe shall at any rate be in Varna a day before the ship arrives, and able tomake such preparations as may be necessary.Of course we shall all goarmed, armed against evil things, spiritual as well as physical."Here Quincey Morris added, "I understand that the Count comes from awolf country, and it may be that he shall get there before us.I propose thatwe add Winchesters to our armament.I have a kind of belief in aWinchester when there is any trouble of that sort around.Do youremember, Art, when we had the pack after us at Tobolsk? What wouldn'twe have given then for a repeater apiece!""Good!" said Van Helsing, "Winchesters it shall be.Quincey's head islevel at times, but most so when there is to hunt, metaphor be moredishonor to science than wolves be of danger to man.In the meantime wecan do nothing here.And as I think that Varna is not familiar to any of us,why not go there more soon? It is as long to wait here as there.TonightPage 275 CHAPTER 24and tomorrow we can get ready, and then if all be well, we four can set outon our journey.""We four?" said Harker interrogatively, looking from one to another of us."Of course!" answered the Professor quickly."You must remain to takecare of your so sweet wife!"Harker was silent for awhile and then said in a hollow voice, "Let us talkof that part of it in the morning.I want to consult with Mina."I thought that now was the time for Van Helsing to warn him not todisclose our plan to her, but he took no notice.I looked at himsignificantly and coughed.For answer he put his finger to his lips andturned away.JONATHAN HARKER'S JOURNALOctober, afternoon.--For some time after our meeting this morning I couldnot think.The new phases of things leave my mind in a state of wonderwhich allows no room for active thought.Mina's determination not to takeany part in the discussion set me thinking.And as I could not argue thematter with her, I could only guess.I am as far as ever from a solutionnow.The way the others received it, too puzzled me.The last time wetalked of the subject we agreed that there was to be no more concealmentof anything amongst us.Mina is sleeping now, calmly and sweetly like alittle child.Her lips are curved and her face beams with happiness.ThankGod, there are such moments still for her.Later.--How strange it all is.I sat watching Mina's happy sleep, and Icame as near to being happy myself as I suppose I shall ever be.As theevening drew on, and the earth took its shadows from the sun sinkinglower, the silence of the room grew more and more solemn to me.All at once Mina opened her eyes, and looking at me tenderly said,"Jonathan, I want you to promise me something on your word of honor.Apromise made to me, but made holily in God's hearing, and not to bebroken though I should go down on my knees and implore you with bittertears.Quick, you must make it to me at once.""Mina," I said, "a promise like that, I cannot make at once.I may have noright to make it.""But, dear one," she said, with such spiritual intensity that her eyes werelike pole stars, "it is I who wish it.And it is not for myself.You can askPage 276 CHAPTER 24Dr.Van Helsing if I am not right.If he disagrees you may do as you will.Nay, more if you all agree, later you are absolved from the promise.""I promise!"I said, and for a moment she looked supremely happy.Though to me all happiness for her was denied by the red scar on herforehead.She said, "Promise me that you will not tell me anything of the plansformed for the campaign against the Count.Not by word, or inference, orimplication, not at any time whilst this remains to me!" And she solemnlypointed to the scar.I saw that she was in earnest, and said solemnly, "Ipromise!" and as I said it I felt that from that instant a door had been shutbetween us.Later, midnight.--Mina has been bright and cheerful all the evening.Somuch so that all the rest seemed to take courage, as if infected somewhatwith her gaiety.As a result even I myself felt as if the pall of gloomwhich weighs us down were somewhat lifted.We all retired early.Minais now sleeping like a little child.It is wonderful thing that her faculty ofsleep remains to her in the midst of her terrible trouble.Thank God for it,for then at least she can forget her care.Perhaps her example may affectme as her gaiety did tonight.I shall try it.Oh! For a dreamless sleep.6 October, morning.--Another surprise.Mina woke me early, about thesame time as yesterday, and asked me to bring Dr.Van Helsing.I thoughtthat it was another occassion for hypnotism, and without question wentfor the Professor.He had evidently expected some such call, for I foundhim dressed in his room.His door was ajar, so that he could hear theopening of the door of our room.He came at once.As he passed into theroom, he asked Mina if the others might come, too."No," she said quite simply, "it will not be necessary.You can tell themjust as well.I must go with you on your journey."Dr.Van Helsing was as startled as I was.After a moment's pause heasked, "But why?""You must take me with you.I am safer with you, and you shall be safer,too.""But why, dear Madam Mina? You know that your safety is oursolemnest duty.We go into danger, to which you are, or may be, moreliable than any of us from.from circumstances.things that havebeen." He paused embarrassed.As she replied, she raised her finger and pointed to her forehead."I know.That is why I must go.I can tell you now, whilst the sun is coming up.Imay not be able again.I know that when the Count wills me I must go.Iknow that if he tells me to come in secret, I must by wile.By any devicePage 277 CHAPTER 24to hoodwink, even Jonathan." God saw the look that she turned on me asshe spoke, and if there be indeed a Recording Angel that look is noted toher ever-lasting honor.I could only clasp her hand.I could not speak.Myemotion was too great for even the relief of tears.She went on."You men are brave and strong.You are strong in yournumbers, for you can defy that which would break down the humanendurance of one who had to guard alone.Besides, I may be of service,since you can hypnotize me and so learn that which even I myself do notknow."Dr.Van Helsing said gravely, "Madam Mina, you are, as always, mostwise.You shall with us come.And together we shall do that which we goforth to achieve."When he had spoken, Mina's long spell of silence made me look at her.She had fallen back on her pillow asleep.She did not even wake when Ihad pulled up the blind and let in the sunlight which flooded the room.Van Helsing motioned to me to come with him quietly.We went to hisroom, and within a minute Lord Godalming, Dr.Seward, and Mr.Morriswere with us also.He told them what Mina had said, and went on."In the morning we shallleave for Varna.We have now to deal with a new factor, Madam Mina.Oh, but her soul is true.It is to her an agony to tell us so much as she hasdone.But it is most right, and we are warned in time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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