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.One thing you ll notice is that I don t use the sub-revision numbers.At this writing, thereleased version of 1.0 from Sun was 1.02 and the released version of 1.1 was 1.1.5 (Java1.2 was in beta).In this book I will refer to Java 1.0, Java 1.1 and Java 1.2 only, to guardagainst typographical errors produced by further sub-revisioning of these products.36 Thinking in Java www.BruceEckel.com Seminars and mentoringMy company provides five-day, hands-on, public and in-house training seminars based onthe material in this book.Selected material from each chapter represents a lesson, which isfollowed by a monitored exercise period so each student receives personal attention.Thelectures and slides for the introductory seminar are also captured on CD-ROM to provide atleast some of the experience of the seminar without the travel and expense.For moreinformation, go to:http://www.BruceEckel.comor email:Bruce@EckelObjects.comMy company also provides consulting services to help guide your project through itsdevelopment cycle  especially your company s first Java project.ErrorsNo matter how many tricks a writer uses to detect errors, some always creep in and theseoften leap off the page for a fresh reader.If you discover anything you believe to be an error,please send the original source file (which you can find at http://www.BruceEckel.com)with a clearly commented error (following the form shown on the Web page) and suggestedcorrection via electronic mail to Bruce@EckelObjects.com so that it might be fixed in theelectronic version on the Web site and in the next printing of the book.When you submit acorrection, please use the following format:1.Put  TIJ Correction (and nothing else) as the subject line  this way my email programcan route it to the right directory.2.In the body of your email, please use the form:find: one-line string to search forcomment:multi-line comment, best starting with "here's how I think itshould read"###Where the  ### is to indicate the end of comment.This way, my correction tools can do a find using the original text, and your suggested correction will pop up in a window nextto it.Suggestions for additional exercises or requests to cover specific topics in the next edition arewelcome.Your help is appreciated.Note on the cover designThe cover of Thinking in Java is inspired by the American Arts & Crafts Movement, whichbegan near the turn of the century and reached its zenith between 1900 and 1920.It beganin England as a reaction to both the machine production of the Industrial Revolution and thehighly ornamental style of the Victorian era.Arts & Crafts emphasized spare design, theforms of nature as seen in the art nouveau movement, hand-crafting, and the importance ofIntroduction 37 the individual craftsperson, and yet it did not eschew the use of modern tools.There aremany echoes with the situation we have today: the impending turn of the century, theevolution from the raw beginnings of the computer revolution to something more refinedand meaningful to individual persons, and the emphasis on software craftsmanship ratherthan just manufacturing code.I see Java in this same way: as an attempt to elevate the programmer away from anoperating-system mechanic and towards being a  software craftsman.Both the author and the book/cover designer (who have been friends since childhood) findinspiration in this movement, and both own furniture, lamps and other pieces that are eitheroriginal or inspired by this period.The other theme in this cover suggests a collection box that a naturalist might use to displaythe insect specimens that he or she has preserved.These insects are objects, placed within thebox objects which are themselves placed within the  cover object, which illustrates thefundamental concept of aggregation in object-oriented programming.Of course, aprogrammer cannot help but make the association with  bugs, and here the bugs have beencaptured and presumably killed in a specimen jar, and finally confined within a small displaybox, as if to imply Java s ability to find, display and subdue bugs (which is truly one of itsmost powerful attributes).AcknowledgementsFirst of all, thanks to the Doyle Street Cohousing Community for putting up with me for thetwo years that it took me to write this book (and for putting up with me at all).Thanksvery much to Kevin and Sonda Donovan for subletting their great place in gorgeous CrestedButte, Colorado for the summer while I worked on the book.Also thanks to the friendlyresidents of Crested Butte and the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory who made me feelso welcome.The World Gym in Emeryville and its enthusiastic staff helped keep me saneduring the final months of the book.This is my first experience using an agent, and I m not looking back.Thanks to ClaudetteMoore at Moore Literary Agency for her tremendous patience and perseverance in getting meexactly what I wanted.My first two books were published with Jeff Pepper as editor at Osborne/McGraw-Hill.Jeffappeared at the right place and the right time at Prentice-Hall and has cleared the path andmade all the right things happen to make this the most pleasant publishing experience I veever had.Thanks, Jeff  it means a lot to me.I m especially indebted to Gen Kiyooka and his company Digigami, who have graciouslyprovided my Web server, and to Scott Callaway who has maintained it.This has been aninvaluable aid while I was learning about the Web.Thanks to Cay Horstmann (co-author of Core Java, Prentice Hall 1997), D Arcy Smith(Symantec), and Paul Tyma (co-author of Java Primer Plus, The Waite Group 1996), forhelping me clarify concepts in the language [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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