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.Neptune in the 8thWhen the man's Neptune falls in the eighth house of his female partner's horoscope she may becomeaware of some subtle discontent engendered by the relationship, perhaps born of an unconsciousrecognition of the need for some vital element of transformation in her being.Such a feeling may beso vague that she finds it difficult for the desire to work changes in herself to gather impetus.As time passes the general feeling of unease may gradually assume such proportions that the last remnantsof her resistance are finally dissolved.This can be an excellent link if they share a latent ordeveloping interest in the occult and in after-death states of consciousness, but there may be a great need to guard against developing a woolly-minded attitude to these affairs.In no realm is it moreimportant to be strictly practical and great care should be exercised on her part if his Neptune isafflicted at birth and the cross-aspects to it are discordant.In some cases he may play on her fear of death and the unknown.If there is a sexual relationship between them this link can pose problems ofunfulfilled desire.This link is rarely an entirely comfortable one since he may be instrumental incausing her to realize that self-transformation can only be achieved through some degree ofsacrifice—of some part of the lower nature, leading to a purification of the desires.This is not a good position for the Neptune of the native's business partner or anyone who handles his business affairs.Any relatives whose Neptune falls here may challenge his right to an inheritance.Neptune in the 9thWhen the man's Neptune falls in the ninth house of his female partner's horoscope he may have avery uplifting and spiritualizing effect upon her whole outlook on life.Through his vision she may be encouraged to widen her frontiers and cultivate a more receptive attitude towards ideas.Theexperiences they undergo together may undermine any tendency she may have had to pay unduereverence to dogma, and bring her a more compassionate understanding of for-mal religiousteaching.If his Neptune is prominently placed and much afflicted he may attempt to give her ideas acommunistic slant.If the cross-aspects to his Neptune are unfavorable he may arouse false hopes orblur her clear understanding of religious and philosophical issues.As her tutor he may have thepower to rouse her imagination and invest subjects she had hitherto regarded as commonplace with anew appeal.His glowing accounts of experiences encountered abroad may stimulate in her a restlessdesire for travel.In many ways he may be instrumental in helping to widen her horizons spiritually,mentally and physically.The two may first have met while travelling by sea or air.If Neptune is much afflicted she may find him a false prophet.This is not a good position for the Neptune of the native's publicity agent.Neptune in the 10thWhen the man's Neptune falls in the tenth house of his female partner's horoscope and moreparticularly, when it falls in conjunction with her Midheaven, the ideal outcome of their associationcould be for him to inspire her to spiritualize her conscious aim in life so that she sets her sights high and lifts her thoughts towards ever higher endeavor.There is often a risk, however, that the moreprogress she makes, the more unattainable the goal may seem to be and so she may tend to loseheart.If the association occurs in early life, he may be held up to her as a shining example of whatcan be done and, far from being spurred on to emulate such an example, she may feel disheartened,or that the comparison is unfair because his talents may lie in a very different direction from hers, or that she has been denied the golden opportunities that he enjoyed.He may set much store by thevalue she places on his reputation.When his Neptune is afflicted and the cross-aspects to it arediscordant, he may subtly distort her aims or cause them to become blurred.If there is a close linkbetween them she may have to sacrifice her career in some way on account of his illness andinfirmity.In a situation involving rivalry, he may maneuver her out of a promotion, subtly undermineher position or bring her good name into disrepute, either by scheming to involve her in scandal, orperhaps unwittingly as a result of some carelessness or misunderstanding on his part.Neptune in the 11thWhen the man's Neptune falls in the eleventh house of his female partner's horoscope he mayappear to her to be a particularly desirable friend, but if her motives for seeking his friendship are to some extent ulterior she may find that the association turns out to be very different from what she had expected.To outward appearances, he may seem to be in a position to satisfy her most extravaganthopes and fondest wishes.She may find that the friendship flourishes best when it is kept on a "loose rein." Contact on a regular basis is not favored by this position of Neptune, which often indicates an"easy come," "easy go" type of relationship.Sometimes this link is present between the horoscopes of those who are separated geographically by an expanse of land or sea, when the differences intheir experience may prove highly diverting to each other.Sometimes his ill health or unfortunatecircumstances may call for sacrifices on her part and bring out the compassionate side of her nature.He may be instrumental in introducing her to a group formed with the object of furthering some ideal,or in enlarging her circle of friends, some of whom may have artistic interests or talents.The couple may gain much pleasure in leisure time activities together.Her experiences with him may bedesigned to teach her how to cultivate friendship on the basis of "no strings attached" and to accept the fact that it is not possible to live all the time in a state of heavenly bliss.Neptune in the 12thWhen the man's Neptune falls in the twelfth house of his female partner's horoscope the effect of this association may depend very much on the state of her twelfth house, as well as on the aspects to hisNeptune at birth and the cross-aspects to the two nativities.Her association with him may in somesubtle way enable her to adjust more easily to life's problems and encourage her to develop a morerelaxed attitude towards them.On the other hand, if the aspects to Neptune were preponderantlydiscordant, the relationship could easily lead her to seek some form of escapism, which could resultin her becoming more deeply involved with her difficulties and leave her further than ever from a final solution.In some way he may be able to arouse her most charitable and kindly instincts, opening theway for her to help some of those who are underprivileged, or he may be in need of her sympathieshimself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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