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.The astrologer who is faced with the task of judging whether two people will get on welltogether will therefore usually have to estimate the relative proportion of harmony and disharmonybetween their two nativities and, in the case of prospective marriage partners, to judge whether thedegree of harmony present is sufficient to guarantee a happy and lasting union or, if a businesspartnership is contemplated, to ensure a sound and profitable relationship.The value of Synastry lies in the fact that it can identify those areas of a partnership where thechances of compatibility are greatest and those areas where they are least, so that the partners canbuild on the strengths of the relationship in order to offset and eventually overcome the weaknesses.As in other branches of astrology, it should be realized that the terms "harmony" and "disharmony"are not necessarily synonymous with "desirable" and "undesirable." Just as too many harmoniousaspects in a nativity may denote that one does not encounter enough difficulties in life to bring out thebest in oneself, so a great preponderance of favorable aspects between one nativity and another mayindicate a rather placid relationship between the two neither of whom has the capacity to "spark off"the other.On the other hand, certain Martian types appreciate an occasional element of friendlycontest in a relationship and thus often feel in need of at least an occasional verbal combat to addpiquancy to the relationship. The most rewarding partnerships, generally speaking, are those where each partner has qualitieswhich complement the qualities of the other, and where each has the ability to draw out the other'slatent potentialities.In this way, each can help to develop the other's personality more fully andeffectively.People often learn more through their mistakes and through the difficulties and discords they meet inlife.Hence those areas of discord that exist in personal relationships can be valued for theopportunities they bring us to learn more about ourselves.They have an educational value which maynot be apparent if we allow ourselves to become frustrated or annoyed by the idiosyncrasies that weobject to in others.The astrologer should bear this in mind when assessing the potentialities of apartnership.Marriage, for instance, is a partnership designed, among other things, to assistindividuals to grow in spiritual stature through the interplay of the partners' characters.In theovercoming of any friction present, such growth may be accelerated.While motives for marrying varyit is hardly likely that a couple, however strong their desire for self-development may be, will go out oftheir way to seek a partner whose character is completely alien to their own.But it is often the casethat before marriage they are apparently oblivious to defects of character in each other than couldcause serious problems once the first blissfully ecstatic aura of the marriage has begun to fade away.Love is blind!If an astrologer is consulted before marriage, his problem may lie in deciding just how much strainand friction the partnership can reasonably be expected to cope with.There are certain well-established rules by which the degree of compatibility between two partners may fairly accurately beestimated at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.If there is a reasonable degree ofmutual sympathy, the willingness of each partner to adjust to the other can relax the tensionssuggested by a number of theoretically discordant cross-aspects, which sometimes mean that onepartner may be the cause of involving the other in difficulties or added responsibilities perhaps as aresult of ill health, loss of earning power or the requirements of work necessitating long absencesfrom home.On the other hand, a basic lack of tolerance may result in even minor annoyances assuming majorproportions.In this respect, even physical compatibility becomes important as, for instance, if one ofthe partners is a "fresh air fiend" and the other is vulnerable to the slightest draught.And if physicalattraction should play a disproportionately prominent role in the partnership it might be prudent toobserve whether one partner was likely to age more quickly than the other.The possible barrennessor sterility of a partner could also be crucial in a marriage where both husband and wife desiredchildren and there was insufficient support and mutual understanding in the partnership.Such aproblem can sometimes be solved by the couple adopting a child, in which case a comparison of thechild's nativity with those of the prospective foster-parents could provide very use-ful guidance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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