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."What now?"In the Company of ShadowsInterludesBoyd's fingers slid away from Sin's hand and he shrugged."I don't know.I guess wejust.go from here and see where it takes us now that neither of us has to hold back.""Ah." Sin nodded and crossed his arms over his chest again, shifting slightly."Well, be warned that I have no idea what to do in this situation.It is different now than it wasbefore.Now I feel as though there are ways to go about this relationship and I don'tknow what those ways are.""I don't think there are rules per se," Boyd replied slightly dubiously, his eyebrows drawing down."Other than what we already agreed on.I'm not an expert on any of this,either.I plan to figure it out as we go."There was another short silence as Sin let those words absorb into him.He felt hisshoulders relax and some of the tension seep out of his body.The fact that Boyd was insomewhat of the same boat as him made the situation less intimidating.He released a low breath and unfolded his arms, still watching his partner and feelingunsure of what to do or say in response.Boyd's eyes moved along Sin's face.Preoccupation shadowed Boyd's features brieflyas his eyebrows furrowed."You know, I've been wondering.Given how everythingwent with Ivan, it seemed inevitable you would stay together."He met Sin's eyes questioningly."So.why did it end?"Sin looked at Boyd sidelong before shrugging simply."Because he wasn't you."PandoraThe thrum of bass vibrated along the walls and shook the club like a miniatureearthquake.After nearly an hour of the DJ playing an ongoing rotation of top twenty pophits, the mellow groove of a series of trance songs appeared to be a welcome respite.The melodic beat slithered through the dimly lit room and little by little, the previouslystationary patrons were beginning to move.In the Company of ShadowsInterludesWomen clothed in swaths of metallic fabric swayed to the beat, their eyes sliding shutand lips turning upwards.Heads were tilted back and cascades of shining hair tumbledover bare shoulders.The male patrons could only look on in awe as the combination ofhypnotic music and drugs turned their female counterparts into living manifestations oftemptation.Slowly the men joined the women and the dance floor became a thrivingmass of moving limbs.Absent were the vulgar gyrations of typical night club dance floors.Instead, the patronsof Pathos moved as though they were in a trance.They moved as though the musicwas absorbing into their flesh, as if every sensation was magnified to the fullest extentand they were trying to ride it out as long as possible.They moved as though they werein slow motion, not wanting to wake up from a dream.And in a way, it was true.At least 85% of the patrons were high on Pandora, the newestdrug of choice.It was what Pathos was known for; that and the dark corners thatenticed the more risqué of the crowd.The patrons were a mix of socialites andpoliticians; the 5% elite of the city.There were also a few rare individuals who werebeautiful enough to get in on looks alone.Their presence suited the more connectedpatrons just fine; there was always a use for fresh meat.Sin had no desire to be groped or ogled.He was unmoved by the attention he and hisfather were receiving and hadn't derived any pleasure from the fact that the doormanhad actually picked them out of the crowd from the back of the line and ushered theminside.He'd thought they were brothers and Sin had trouble keeping a straight face whenEmilio's face had lit up like a spotlight at the comment.Sin navigated the crowd easily, slipping in and out in a way that was familiar to him fromhis time in Monterrey.His eyes flit over the patrons in their expensive designer clothes,the men wearing five figure suits and the women decked out in anything from nearlytranslucent fabrics to leather.Nearly everyone was beautiful with an aura about them that exuded pure sexuality.Itwas almost overwhelming and Sin had no delusions that his father was already losinghimself in the environment.Sin looked over his shoulder briefly and wasn't surprised to see that his father wasn'teven bothering to look for the target.He was leaning against a wall and smirkingIn the Company of ShadowsInterludesindulgently at a dark-haired woman with a pixie haircut, short shorts and heels thatlooked like needles.With a shake of his head, Sin went back to his search.His eyes skimmed the perimeterand paused only when they reached the bar.Apparently his lover had had no trouble getting in either.It was hard not to stare at Boyd and Sin actually stopped walking in the middle of thedance floor to do just that.Boyd was clad in close-fitting black pants that were tight enough for the shape of his assto be clearly visible as he leaned over the bar.He wore a fitted indigo shirt that had thetop two buttons undone.His toned arms, which Sin hadn't seen for the first year of theirpartnership, showed the lean muscles he'd developed in the last several months oftraining.His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, some of it coming loose andbrushing the sides of his face.His hair shone under the lights of the bar and Sin'sfingers itched with the desire to touch it.Sin wet his lips and jerked his eyes away, stepping around a loosely embracing coupleand moving deeper into the depths of the club."Anything yet?" he muttered into his comm."Nothing," Boyd's voice murmured.Emilio apparently didn't see the point in replying.Sin moved past a trio of androgynous women and ignored it when one of them gave hima lingering smile [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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