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.Aleixo had just been starting a company, Zenith, with the plans of lending slaves toplaces like Skyn for col aborations.Actors cost money and might balk at certain actseven in porn but Aleixo would have given his Sliders for free, providing even moreenthusiastic pornography-- until it was popular enough that he could chargeexorbitant fees.Boyd had been one of three slaves planned to have the mostexposure, with each of them representing a different look that was popular inpornography.Each of them had been featured in some way in al the promotionalpieces.But referencing it might gain the Agency's attention if the names were still flagged.So he went with a cover he made up on his own with the knowledge that, if he grewdesperate, he could always bring it up later and say he'd been trying to change hispersona.He wrote down vague credentials that only implied amateur works andreferenced videos he'd seen when researching the company.When he was finished, he brought the application back up to the desk.Marla reached out to grab it but before she could, a loud voice boomed across thelobby: "'Sup Marls."The man that walked in was about about Boyd's height, fit, and had a head full ofcrimson-colored hair that was spiked into a faux hawk.He had on a slim-cutcharcoal button-down shirt and suspenders with an expensive, tailored look thatcompletely contradicted the ragged jeans and scuffed boots he wore.He stoppednext to Boyd and leaned across the reception desk, lips twisting up into a big grin."Nothing much," Marla said with a shrug."Chance is in but the meeting isn'tscheduled for another fifteen, and your favorite person isn't here yet.""No bigs." The man looked at Boyd, eyebrows hiking up as he gave Boyd a quickonce-over."Who's this?"Boyd recognized him as one of the most popular adult film actors that Skyn boasted,Gordon Frost.Boyd had vague memories of seeing pornography including Gordonback at Cyclone, when some of the clients had used films to get in the mood.Hehadn't remembered until he'd seen the man's face on the screen when researchingSkyn.Although, now that he saw him more closely, Boyd noticed a faded scar that archedalong Gordon's cheek back to his hairline.Apparently Skyn had edited it out of alvideos and photos of the man.Since Boyd didn't think the scar affected Gordon'slooks one way or the other he assumed either Skyn's clientele was especial yfastidious and made it necessary or it was something to do with vanity on Gordon'spart."Cam," he answered."I came to see if I could get an interview with Mr.Perry.I haveto say," he added, "I love your work.It's no wonder you've become a top performerfor Skyn."Gordon raised an eyebrow, and his grin widened slightly."Yeah, I'm pretty awesome,it's true." He boosted himself up on the desk to sit down, and snatched the clipboardfrom Marla."He doesn't have an appointment," she said darkly."Who cares? He's fucking hot.And we're short a godly blond type so Chance will jizzhimself when he sees him," Gordon said as he perused the application."I guess." Marla frowned, eyes narrowed at Boyd in irritation."Since Marquis wentand died, I have to deal with all of these wannabes and try-hards."Gordon didn't reply to that, but his lips flattened as he read.After a moment, hedropped the clipboard onto the desk with a clatter."So Cam, what amateur stuff didyou do?""What, are you pretending to be Chance?" Marla asked, her tone scathing."No way, babe.I'm nowhere near that big of a douche." Gordon smirked, and raisedhis eyebrows at Boyd."Did you do like, home videos and upload them on theinternet and stuff?""Well." Boyd glanced sidelong at Marla with a slight frown and turned a questioninglook to Gordon."Does he only interview people who have been in professionalworks?""Nah, Chance talks to noobs too.But like, usually--"The door to the office opened, and Damian Perry, or Chance as they al referred tohim, stepped out.In person, the similarities to the Vegas was noticeable but notnearly as stark as Sin and Emilio.He had the same bone structure and jet blackhair, but his eyes were hazel instead of green and his skin was several shadeslighter."Why are you talking to an applicant?" Chance asked Gordon without even lookingat him.His eyes were trained on Boyd."'Cause I can, and it's a free world." Gordon made a face at his boss, and slipped offthe side of the desk."Where's the man?""The meeting isn't for fifteen minutes," Marla said again.It was strange having yet another variation of Vega staring at him.When Boyd hadfirst met Sin, he never would have suspected that he'd end up working with hisfather and standing in front of his half-brother years later.Then again, he'd neverexpected to fall in love with Sin either.He'd long since stopped trying to predict howthe Vega line would affect his life.It seemed Chance hadn't missed the 'intense stare' part of the Vega gene pool.Boyd went on the assumption Chance had a similar personality as well and gotstraight to the point."Hello, sir," he said, stepping forward so Chance could see him better without thedesk in between."I was just asking Gordon what it would take to get an interviewwith you."" Sir," Gordon repeated, snickering.Chance shot him a venomous look, but Gordonjust gave him a belligerent smirk in response."Bring your application and come in," Chance said curtly."You have ten minutes."He turned and went back on his office, with Gordon following behind.The redheadwinked at Boyd."This is his version of jizzing himself, dude.Don't take the stonecold face thing personally."Boyd smiled in response and grabbed the clipboard but inwardly he wished Gordonwasn't going in with them.It would have been easier to get a feel for Chance withouta third party but it was no use trying to comment on it now, not when he had such ashort time period.He followed the two of them into the office and automatically glanced around foregress points, disguising it as taking in the office itself.Gordon sprawled out in one of the chairs, and looked at Boyd expectantly.Chancestood next to his desk and crossed his arms over his chest.He looked over Boydagain, slower this time, and went directly into a line of questioning."What brings you in?""I'm looking for a job and I'm familiar with Skyn's works," Boyd answered as he tooka seat."I always liked the way your videos are shot more realistically-- it makes yourfilms stand out above the rest-- so I came in hoping there might be a position open.""Position for what?" Chance asked, a hint of impatience working into his tone."Photos or movies?""Whatever you want," Boyd replied with a shrug."I've done both.""What have you done in movies?""A lot," Boyd replied easily.Since he couldn't rely on Zenith or talking to Chanceone-on-one, he had to rely on being intriguing enough in his experience to be cal edback [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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