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.They proceed from and together make manifest ditism in Literature and Art."wTao: the source and law of being.Tao means "road," or "way." Tao is the way Symposium.5(1or course of natun-.ck-sun\.cosmic "rclrf: 'luj Absoluts made manifest, 'lao isGenesis.1:27.Ltherrliirr also "truth.1 "rly;li1 conduct." ) tm^ Lind ) t/i together LIS 1 no are de-" Midrash, commentary on Genesis, Rabbah 8:1.98pleted thus: ^ Tao underlies the cosmos.Tao inhahits every created thing.Supra, p.H6.140 141 APOTHEOSISwounds, and let it flow.93 It symbolizes at once the menstrualstands at the beginning of the cosmogonic cycle,5*3 and with equalblood of the vagina and the semen of the male, as well as urine,propriety at the conclusion of the hero-task, at the moment whenwater, and male milk.The flowing shows that the old men havethe wall of Paradise is dissolved, the divine form found and rec-the source of life and nourishment within themselves;100 i.e., thatollected, and wisdom regained.94they and the inexhaustible world fountain are the same."11Tiresias, the blinded seer, was both male and female: his eyesThe call of the Great Father Snake was alarming to the child;were closed to the broken forms of the light-world of the pairs ofthe mother was protection.But the father came.He was the guideopposites, yet he saw in his own interior darkness the destiny ofand initiator into the mysteries of the unknown, As the originalOedipus."5 Shiva appears united in a single body with Shakti,intruder into the paradise of the infant with its mother, the fa-his spouse-he the right side, she the left in the manifestationther is the archetypal enemy; hence, throughout life all enemiesknown as Ardhanarisha, "The Half-Woman Lord."96 The ances-are symbolical {to the unconscious) of the father."Whatever istral images of certain African and Melanesian tribes show onkilled becomes the father."109 Hence the veneration in head-one being the breasts of the mother and the beard and penis ofhunting communities (in New Guinea, for example) of the headsthe father.97 And in Australia, about a year following the ordealbrought home from vendetta raids.103 Hence, too, the irresistibleof the circumcision, the candidate for full manhood undergoes acompulsion to make war: the impulse to destroy the father issecond ritual operation-that of subincision (a slitting open of thecontinually transforming itself into public violence.The old menunderside of the penis, to form a permanent cleft into the urethra).of the immediate community or race protect themselves fromThe opening is termed the "penis womb." It is a symbolical maletheir growing sons by the psychological magic of their totemvagina.The hero has become, by virtue of the ceremonial, moreceremonials.They enact the ogre father, and then reveal them-than man.98selves to be the feeding mother too.A new and larger paradise isThe blood for ceremonial painting and for gluing whitethus established.But this paradise does not include the tradi-bird's-down to the body is derived by the Australian fatherstional enemy tribes, or races, against whom aggression is stillfrom their subincision holes.They break open again the oldsystematically projected.All of the "good" father-mother content33Infra, pp.268-270."! Roheim, The Eternal Ones of the Dream, p.94.100marriages, glorified man, an androgynous angel, being a wife unto himself" Ibid., pp.218-219.1U1(Ulysses, Modern Library edition, p.210).Compare the following view of the Bodhisattva Darmakara: "Out of his95Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus.See also, Ovid, Metamorphoses, III, 324 ff., mouth there breathed a sweet and more than heavenly smell of sandal-wood.511, and 516.For other examples of the hermaphrodite as priest, god, or seer, From all the pores of his hair there arose the smell of lotus, and he was pleas-see Herodotus, 4, 67 (Rawlinson edition, Vol.Ill, pp.46-47); Theophrastus, ing to everybody, gracious and beautiful; endowed with the fulness of the bestCharactcres, 16.10-11; and J [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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