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.If more than thismany full backups or copies exist for a given datafile,then the remainder of the backups are obsolete.Thismust be non-zero.The default value is one.]orphan Specifies that backups and copies which can never beused because they belong to incarnations of thedatabase which are not predecessors of the currentincarnation, will be considered obsolete.until-clause If an until-clause is specified, then no backup will beconsidered obsolete or redundant if it contains anychanges beyond the specified time.This is useful ifthe database must be recoverable to a point in timewhich is earlier than the present time.Listing Datafiles at the Current TimeThe report schema command lists the names of all datafiles and tablespacesat the specified point in time, or at the current time.A point in time may bespecified as a time, an SCN, or a redo log.The at_clause has the following structure:at time A Quoted string specifying the time.8-16 Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide at scn An integer representing the SCN is specified.at logseq integer thread integerIntegers which specify the log sequence number andthread number to consider.This time is the timewhen the specified log and thread were first opened.Generating ListsYou can use the list command to produce a detailed report of all informationabout a specified group of backup sets or copies known to the recoverycatalog.The following list commands are available:" list copy of list_object_list list_qualifier_listList information about datafiles copies and archivelogs." list backupset of list_object_list list_qualifier_listList information about backup sets." list incarnation of identifier list_qualifier_listList information about the incarnations of a database.The listing willinclude the primary keys of all database incarnation records for thespecified database name.The key can then be specified in a resetdatabase command to change the incarnation that Recovery Managerconsiders to be current to a previous incarnation.If no identifier isspecified, then all databases registered in the recovery catalog are listed.list_object_listThis specifies the tablespaces, datafiles, or archivelogs whose backup sets orcopies are to be listed.database skip_clause Backup sets or datafile copies of all files in thecurrent database are listed.Optionally, tablespacesmay be skipped by using the skip_clausetablespace A list of tablespace names.Backup sets or datafilecopies that include at least one datafile from aspecified tablespace are listed.datafile A list of datafile names or numbers.Backup sets ordatafile copies that contain at least one of thespecified datafiles are listed.Performing Backup and Recovery with Recovery Manager 8-17 archivelog_record_specifierlist_qualifier_listList qualifiers are specifications that can be used to limit the the objects whosebackup sets or copies are to be listed:tag tag Datafile copies and backup sets may be restricted byspecifying the tag of the copy or backup.If tag isspecified, only copies/backups with the specified tagwill be listed.like file_name_pattern Datafile copies and archived logs may be restrictedby specifying a file name pattern.The pattern maycontain Oracle pattern matching characters  % and _.If file_name_pattern is specified, only files whosename matches the pattern will be listed.from/until time All files may be qualified with a time range.If fromor until is specified, only copies or backups whichcompleted within the specified time period will belisted.Either or both of these options may bespecified.device_type_list This option applies only to the list backupsetcommand.If specified, only backup sets whichreside on one of the specified device types will belisted.If not specified, all available backup sets willbe listed.Example: Listing Backups of a DatafileThe following command will list all known backups of datafile  ?/dbs/foo.f :list backupset of datafile  ?/dbs/foo [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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