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.These My lips,This cherry nose,These yellow cowslip cheeks,Are gone, are gone:Lovers, make moan:His eyes were green as leeks.O Sisters Three,Come, come to me,With hands as pale as milk;Lay them in gore,Since you have shoreWith shears his thread of silk.Tongue, not a word:Come, trusty sword;Come, blade, my breast imbrue:[Stabs herself]And, farewell, friends;Thus Thisby ends:Adieu, adieu, adieu.[Dies]THESEUSMoonshine and Lion are left to bury the dead.DEMETRIUSAy, and Wall too.BOTTOM[Starting up]No assure you; the wall is down thatparted their fathers.Will it please you to see theepilogue, or to hear a Bergomask dance between twoof our company?THESEUSNo epilogue, I pray you; for your play needs noexcuse.Never excuse; for when the players are alldead, there needs none to be blamed.Marry, if hethat writ it had played Pyramus and hanged himselfin Thisbe's garter, it would have been a finetragedy: and so it is, truly; and very notablydischarged.But come, your Bergomask: let yourepilogue alone.[A dance]The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve:Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time.I fear we shall out-sleep the coming mornAs much as we this night have overwatch'd.This palpable-gross play hath well beguiledThe heavy gait of night.Sweet friends, to bed.A fortnight hold we this solemnity,In nightly revels and new jollity.[Exeunt][Enter PUCK]PUCKNow the hungry lion roars,And the wolf behowls the moon;Whilst the heavy ploughman snores,All with weary task fordone.Now the wasted brands do glow,Whilst the screech-owl, screeching loud,Puts the wretch that lies in woeIn remembrance of a shroud.Now it is the time of nightThat the graves all gaping wide,Every one lets forth his sprite,In the church-way paths to glide:And we fairies, that do runBy the triple Hecate's team,From the presence of the sun,Following darkness like a dream,Now are frolic: not a mouseShall disturb this hallow'd house:I am sent with broom before,To sweep the dust behind the door.[Enter OBERON and TITANIA with their train]OBERONThrough the house give gathering light,By the dead and drowsy fire:Every elf and fairy spriteHop as light as bird from brier;And this ditty, after me,Sing, and dance it trippingly.TITANIAFirst, rehearse your song by roteTo each word a warbling note:Hand in hand, with fairy grace,Will we sing, and bless this place.[Song and dance]OBERONNow, until the break of day,Through this house each fairy stray.To the best bride-bed will we,Which by us shall blessed be;And the issue there createEver shall be fortunate.So shall all the couples threeEver true in loving be;And the blots of Nature's handShall not in their issue stand;Never mole, hare lip, nor scar,Nor mark prodigious, such as areDespised in nativity,Shall upon their children be.With this field-dew consecrate,Every fairy take his gait;And each several chamber bless,Through this palace, with sweet peace;And the owner of it blestEver shall in safety rest.Trip away; make no stay;Meet me all by break of day.[Exeunt OBERON, TITANIA, and train]PUCKIf we shadows have offended,Think but this, and all is mended,That you have but slumber'd hereWhile these visions did appear.And this weak and idle theme,No more yielding but a dream,Gentles, do not reprehend:if you pardon, we will mend:And, as I am an honest Puck,If we have unearned luckNow to 'scape the serpent's tongue,We will make amends ere long;Else the Puck a liar call;So, good night unto you all.Give me your hands, if we be friends,And Robin shall restore amends.-------------------------------------- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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