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.Of the of the Law.St.PaulFulfillingWhatthelaincouldnotdo, in thatitwaxsaith,weakthrough theflesh,Godsending His ownSonin the likeness andfor sinofsinfulflesh,condemnedsin in that theflesh; righteousnesslawmight be in &c.Thatofthe fulfilled us,Christ is the sumof Heisthe andis, all, right,Whosomeaningandcontents ofthe law.purehath the same hath fulfilled theChrist, rightlylaw.But to take the lawaway altogetherit sticketh in andis written in(whereasnature,our andborn in thesame is athinghearts, us),and God.Andwhereastheimpossible againstlawofnature issomewhatdarker,andspeakethof works therefore Moses and the;only HolyGhostdomore declare andexpoundclearly it,53 s STable Calft.Jlutfjtr/ doshowtheand, specie, same,bynominatingthoseworkswhichGodwill have us to anddo,toleaveundone.FromhenceChrist alsosaith,/amnotcometo Carnalpeopledestroythelaw.would that enterwillingly give person royaltainmentwhich couldbring that to andpass,couldmakeit Mosesthrough Christ,good,thatis takenaway.weshouldquicklyquite Oh,thenseewhat a fine kind of life therewould be inthe world! Godforbid,andkeepus fromBut,sucherrors,andsufferus not to live to see thesame.Thecausethat I at the first soharshlyspakeandwroteagainst the lawwas this the Chris;tian Church was burdened withgrievouslymanifold andfalse andsuperstitions believings,Christwasaltogetherdarkenedandburied.Therefore I was desirous the(through graceof Wordof theGod,andtheGospel)to deliverandgodlyheartsfrom suchgood tormentingofconsciences but I neverrejectedthelaw.;Childlike Faith.He that can I am asay,child of God who isthrough Christ, myrighandhe beteousness, despaireth not, although59 Cable Calk.Eutfjetsdeficient in works it faileth usgood (as alwayshe believeth But is sotherein), rightly.gracehuman andisgreatthat itamazeth a creature,difficult to be believed.Insomuch thatveryfaith thehonourto Hecanandgiveth God,thatwill what Heperform promiseth, namely,thatHemakethsinners Rom.iv.righteous.It isanexceedinghardmatterto believe thatGodismercifulunto usfor the sake of Christ.Oh! mans heart is too strait and narrow toentertain the takesame,neither can it easilyholdthereof.WhenI wasa man(said Luther),andyoungat I wentwith the rest inEisleben, processionon the of and had on meday Corpus Chrtsti,s attire it that I wasinmypriest ; happenedsuchsort beforethe whichaffrighted sacrament,Dr.that sweat brakecarried, my out,Staupitzin so an that I Ibeing great anguish thoughtshouldhavefallendown dead.Nowwhenthewas I confessed andopenedprocession ended,to Dr.he;mygrief Staupitz said, Oh, yourare not Christs.These words I rethoughtsceived withjoy,andtheywereverycomfortableunto me.But is it not to be lamented thatweare so60 * STablc fcalfc.ILuHjrrand weak in faith? Christwavering givethHimself unto us with all thatHeisandhath;He offereth unto us His celestialeverlastingas His remission of eternalwealth, grace, sins,andsalvation Henamethusrighteousness,life ;Hisbrethrenandco-heirs we; yet,nevertheless,are in time of and donecessity affrighted flyfrom whenwehavemostneedofHishelpHim,andcomfort.Thelittlechildrendostandonthe besttermswithGodAlmightyconcerning their lives andfaith.We old fools do torment ourdoatingselves and have sorrow of heart with ourdis-theputings touching Word,whether it betrueornot : Howcan itbepossible? &c.But thechildren with faith do hold thesimple puresame to be certain and without alltrue,doubting.Of Gods Justice andRighteousness.These words Gods and(said Luther), justiceheretofore were like horriblerighteousness,in conscience I was;thunder-claps my sorelyat of and Ifaffrighted hearing them, thought,Godbe then He will &c.just, surely punish,61 .Eutijerg ablc (Talft.But-when I more to considerbegan diligentlyof the then came to mind thiswords, mysentence of Habak.Thejttst liveth hisii., byTherighteousness which isfaith.Also, acceptable is revealed without the law.before God,ThenI ifthejust shouldlivepresentlythought,and that the which isby faith, righteousnessGodshall save all those thatacceptablebeforethen thosewordswill notterrifybelieve, surelysinners and sorrowful butpoor consciences,ratherwill comfort them.In such wise was Irefreshed and and was assuredstrengthened,thatGods is not that wherewithrighteousnessHe as a stern butwherewithpunisheth judge,He and saveth sinners which dojustifiethThis I received of therepent.only HolyGhost.Abrahams Faith [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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