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.Taraza realized, though, that she had not entered it consciously.Too manymemories tangled the two of them: Dar and Tar.Have to watch that!"Remember where your loyalties are," Taraza said.The existence of no-ships raises the possibility of destroying entire planetswithout retaliation.A large object, asteroid or equivalent, may be sentagainst the planet.Or the people can be set against each other by sexualsubversion, and then can be armed to destroy themselves.These Honored Matresappear to favor this latter technique. -Bene Gesserit AnalysisFrom his position in the courtyard and even when not appearing to do so, DuncanIdaho kept his attention on the observers above him.There was Patrin, ofcourse, but Patrin did not count.It was the Reverend Mothers across fromPatrin who bore watching.Seeing Lucilla, he thought: That's the new one.This thought filled him with a surge of excitement, which he took out in renewedexercise.He completed the first three patterns of the training-play Miles Teg hadordered, vaguely aware that Patrin would report on how well he did.Duncanliked Teg and old Patrin and sensed that the feeling was reciprocated.This newReverend Mother, though -- her presence suggested interesting changes.For onething, she was younger than the others.Also, this new one did not try to hidethe eyes that were a first clue to her membership in the Bene Gesserit.Hisfirst glimpse of Schwangyu had confronted him with eyes concealed behind contactlenses that simulated non-addict pupils and slightly bloodshot whites.He hadheard one of the Keep's acolytes say Schwangyu's lenses also corrected for "anastigmatic weakness that has been accepted in her genetic line as a reasonableexchange for the other qualities she transmits to her offspring."At the time, most of this remark was unintelligible to Duncan but he had lookedup the references in the Keep's library, references both scarce and severelylimited in content.Schwangyu herself parried all of his questions on thesubject, but the subsequent behavior of his teachers told him she had beenangry.Typically, she had taken out her anger on others.What really upset her, he suspected, was his demand to know whether she was hismother.For a long time now Duncan had known he was something special.There wereplaces in the elaborate compound of this Bene Gesserit Keep where he was notpermitted.He had found private ways to evade such prohibitions and had staredout often through thick plaz and open windows at guards and wide reaches ofcleared ground that could be enfiladed from strategically positioned pillboxes.Miles Teg himself had taught the significance of enfilade positioning.Gammu, the planet was called now.Once, it had been known as Giedi Prime butsomeone named Gurney Halleck had changed that.It was all ancient history.Dull stuff.There still remained a faint smell of bitter oil in the planet'sdirt from its pre-Danian days.Millennia of special plantations were changingthat, his teachers explained.He could see part of this from the Keep.Forestsof conifers and other trees surrounded them here.Still covertly watching the two Reverend Mothers, Duncan did a series ofcartwheels.He flexed his striking muscles as he moved, just the way Teg hadtaught him.Teg also instructed in planetary defenses.Gammu was ringed by orbitingmonitors whose crews could not have their families aboard.The familiesremained down here on Gammu, hostage to the vigilance of those guardianorbiters.Somewhere among the ships in space, there were undetectable no-shipswhose crews were composed entirely of the Bashar's people and Bene GesseritSisters. "I would not have taken this assignment without full charge of all defensivearrangements," Teg explained.Duncan realized that he was "this assignment." The Keep was here to protecthim.Teg's orbiting monitors, including the no-ships, protected the Keep.It was all part of a military education whose elements Duncan found somehowfamiliar.Learning how to defend a seemingly vulnerable planet from attacksoriginating in space, he knew when those defenses were correctly placed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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