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.essential part of the Wing Chun system.There is so much mystical outright bullshitCopyright © Scott Baker 200085 Often the secrets of these skills are hurting and healing arts, practiced thefound hidden within the forms, katas, or secretive art of Dim Mak and incorporated itpatterned sequences of a particular system.into their kung fu system.Especially givenPracticing forms gave the knowing disciple that Wing Chun was designed from the verythe ability to practice the mapping and beginning to possess the best, highest levelsequencing of point strikes in front of a large combat skills within the Shaolin mothercrowd without them knowing what he was system.Hence Wing Chun is specificallydoing.An understanding of the forms and purposefully designed to teach the secretbecomes so much more profound once one skills of Dim Mak.learns the secrets regarding Dim Mak From Ug Mui, the Shaolin nun,contained within these sequences.This is down to the great Yip Man these skills werealso true within the Wing Chun forms.present, taught and refined by the collectiveSpecifically the Bui Tze form, which was evolving knowledge of the great masterstraditionally said to be never shown outside who inherited and transferred such skills.of the door, meaning never demonstrated Wing Chun is so obviously filled with Dimbefore non-Wing Chun family member.Bui Mak techniques, principles and theory that ifTze contains many of these patterned point it wasn t called Wing Chun it perhapssequences.The wooden dummy however should have been called the art of Dim Mak!has perhaps the most profound Dim Mak Everything about the training, techniques,training principles.The dummy is perfect principles and internal energy within Wingfor practicing these skills because you can Chun kung fu has a direct and purposefulactually strike the dummy using the correct relationship to these hidden Dim Mak skills.angle and direction to effectively activatethe meridian points without causing harm or More than a touch?injury to a training partner.One of the pieces of myth thatsurrounds the Dim Mak skills is that aDim Mak within the whole of Wing Chunpractitioner can kill with a simple touch.This is not really correct.There are varyingAnyone who carefully examines thelevels of skill with this ability as there arehistory of Wing Chun from the traditionalwith any difficult skill in kung fu.At itsfounder down the family line to the greathighest level of expression it can beGrandmaster Yip Man will notice that moreexecuted with what may appear to be a lightthan a few of the masters in the Yip line aretap, touch or rub, but very few ever get thisalso noted doctors of Chinese medicine.proficient with these skills.Most often theThis is significant because even todayskills are demonstrated with a medium toChinese medicine is centered around thelight strike on the desired points.As aconcepts of acupuncture and meridianpractitioner becomes more skilled he willenergy.Some of the same principles andfind less and less physical effort is needed toknowledge needed to heal with the needlesactivate these energy switches.But, likecan also be used to harm or even kill.training the short punch of Wing Chun,Chinese doctors were often possessors ofthese skills require considerable practice toboth types of knowledge, especially thoserefine down to a tap.More will be said onwho were also practitioners of kung fu.Itthis later in this chapter.seems intuitively obvious that these masters,using their collective knowledge of theCopyright © Scott Baker 200086 When you begin learning Dim Mak together, completely disable your attacker,you will practice activating the points with often to the point of death.The final level ofmedium level strikes, similar to that used understanding the dummy set is to see itwhen working on the dummy.It is possible from the point of view of Dim Mak.to strike a point with too much power, in The arms of your attacker are usedsuch cases the point doesn t activate because extensively within Dim Mak skills.Therethe force of the blow goes past the point are key points along the meridian channelsrather than into it, so a medium level strike of the arms, which you will use to activate,is the most that would be used.It should be or charge the whole meridian system of yourstressed here that practicing these skills opponent so that the subsequent strikes willupon another person is dangerous, and have a dramatic effect.This is why eachshould not be done without an experienced sequence of the dummy set starts with someinstructor supervising the practice.An kind of connection with the arms of theaccumulative effect can easily build up dummy.However, not every technique doneduring practice that may result in serious upon the dummy arm is representative of ainjury or death if the practice is done Dim Mak technique on your opponent sincorrectly.Another important point to make arm.Often there are several correct ways tois that these skills do not replace the interpret the dummy sequence.preceding Wing Chun skills, they are more There are several sequences wherelike the icing on the cake.You must be one Dim Mak interpretation of a movementproficient with all the other Wing Chun done on the dummies arms, like the high andskills before you are able to utilize the Dim low garn sau, is actually representing pointsMak skills effectively, that is why they are located on the body and head or neck ofthe apex, or finial completing skills in the your opponent rather than his arms.Also, itsystem.If you can not intercept your is obvious that during the dummy set youattacker's blows then you will not be able to never go around behind the dummy andapply Dim Mak.If you can not strike your attack the back.However, it is commonopponent then you can not use Dim Mak.knowledge in Wing Chun that the back ofEssentially Dim Mak alone is of little use to your opponent is one of the best places toanyone.You must first have a high level of get and is very vulnerable.competency with the traditional techniques There are many points on the backand abilities of your style, and then the Dim that are good Dim Mak attacking points.Mak becomes a powerful tool.These are represented in the dummy form ina slightly more abstract way.During theMoving beyond the dummy dummy form you frequently move to theside of the dummy.Sometimes these motionThe dummy is the perfect tool to are indicating attacking points on the back,teach and refine the Dim Mak skills.This is but because you can not step behind theone of the main reasons for working with the dummy easily, these points are included indummy.Contained within the Wing Chun the form abstractly.Wooden Dummy Form are the principles There are 361 regular points foundand secrets of the Dim Mak skills.Each along the 12 meridian channels and 2sequenced set teaches something specific vessels that make up the energy system ofabout this skill, while mapping out a series the body (actually there are 8 other vesselsof point combinations which, when applied that are not well known in acupuncture, butCopyright © Scott Baker 200087 are used regularly in Dim Mak).Each of Whenever you make contact with thethese meridians and vessels are connected to dummy, you are attacking in some way themake a complete energy system [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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