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.Or you can change the maximum size to any number you arecomfortable with.10.Click OK before leaving the page associated with an Account Setting to save the changes you make.Mozilla Mail should now be ready to send mail to and receive mail from your mail servers.Toactually download messages, choose File ’! Get New Messages (or select Get Msg on the toolbar).You have to enter your incoming mail user password at least the first time you ask for mail.If you setthe option to save that password, you won t have to enter it again.Text-based mail programsThere are many text-based mail programs for reading, sending, and working with your mail.Many of theseprograms have been around for a long time, so they are full of features and have been well debugged.As agroup, however, they are not very intuitive.The following sections describe some text-based commands.Tip Most of these programs use the value of your $MAIL environment variable as your local mailbox.Usually, that location is /var/spool/mail/user, where user is your user name.To set your $MAIL so that itpoints to your Netscape mailbox (so you can use either Netscape Messenger or a text-based mailprogram), add the following line to one of your startup files:export MAIL=$HOME/nsmail/InboxIf you usually use Netscape for mail, you can set this variable temporarily to try out some of these mailprograms.You can do the same thing with your Mozilla Mail Inbox, though it's a bit trickier to locate.The location of that Inbox is something like the following: $HOME/.mozilla/default/*/Mail/servername.(Your actual mailbox name varies depending on your mail server name.)Mail readers and managersMail readers described below are text-based and use the entire screen.Although some features are different,menu bars show available options right on the screen.Mutt mail readerNote To use the mutt mail reader you must have the mutt software package installed.The mutt command is a text-based, full-screen mail user agent for reading and sending e-mail.The interfaceis quick and efficient.Type mutt to start the mail program.Move arrow keys up and down to select from yourlisted messages.Press Enter to see a mail message and type i to return to the Main menu.The menu bar indicates how to mark messages for deletion or undelete them, save messages to a directory, orreply to a message.Type m to compose a new message and it opens your default editor (for me, vi) to createthe message.If you want to read your mail without having your fingers leave your keyboard, mutt is a nicechoice.(It even handles attachments!) Pine mail readerNote To use the pine mail reader you must have the pine software package installed.The pine mail reader is another full-screen mail reader, but it offers many more features than does mutt.Withpine, you can manage multiple mail folders.You can also manage newsgroup messages, as well as mailmessages.As text-based applications go, pine is quite easy to use.It was developed by a group at theUniversity of Washington for use by students on campus, but has become widely used in UNIX and Linuxenvironments.Start this mail program by typing pine.The following menu is displayed, from which you can make aselection by typing the associated letter or using up and down arrows and pressing Enter:? HELP Get help using PineC COMPOSE MESSAGE Compose and send a messageI MESSAGE INDEX View messages in current folderL FOLDER LIST Select a folder to viewA ADDRESS BOOK Update address bookS SETUP Configure Pine OptionsQ QUIT Leave the Pine programTo read your e-mail, select either I or L.Commands are listed along the bottom of the screen and change tosuit the content you are viewing.Left (ß) and right à) arrow keys let you step backward and forward amongthe pine screens.Elm mail readerThis is yet another text-based and form-based mail reader.When you first start elm, it sets up several maildirectories and files in your home directory.Then it opens a very basic interface to your incoming mailbox (asset by the $MAIL variable).On the Mailbox screen, elm identifies your mailbox and shows the headings for the first page of mailmessages.Move up and down among the messages with arrow keys (or with j and k keys, as in the vi editor).Press Enter to open the current mail message and press i to return to the index.Other commands are shown atthe bottom of the screen.Mail readerThe mail command was the first mail reader for UNIX.It is text-based, but not screen-oriented.Type mailand you will see the messages in your mailbox.Because mail is not screen-oriented, you just get a promptafter message headings are displayed  you are expected to know what to do next.Type ? to see whichcommands are available.While in mail, type h to see your mail headings again.Simply type a message number to see the message.Type d# (replacing # with a message number) to delete a message.To create a new message, type m.Torespond to a message, type r# (replacing # with the number to respond to).Printmail readerThough printmail isn t strictly a mail reader, it can be used as a part of managing your mail messages.Theprintmail command formats the mail in any file you give it (either your default mailbox or a saved mailmessage file) and formats the mail in a nicer form for printing [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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