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.He found Ryder and Beckett setting the huge, carvedbuffet in place under the window of exposed stone whilehis mother and Hope shifted the pretty wood tablesaround the space.Dumbass lounged in the far corner, but lifted his head,thumped his tail when he saw Owen.Idly Owen wondered if the dog saw him as a man-sized donut. Where the hell have you been? Ryder demanded. I had some things.It looks great. It does. Justine beamed as she set a chair by thetable. We re going to put the big mirror right there.Youknow, the antique.And we realized we re going to needanother server.It can go up there, under that window.I ll measure the space and run down to Bast, see if theyhave something that works. You have that piece you got at the fancy French place  You have that piece you got at the fancy French placein Frederick, Ryder reminder her. It s warped. Instantly, Justine s face went stony. One leg s shorter than the other three.I should neverhave bought anything there. I told you I shortened the other legs.You put enoughstuff on it, you won t see the warping. They were rude, Hope put in. Any business thatdoesn t make good on an obviously defective pieceshouldn t be a business. It s paid for, I fixed it.Get over it. It was bought for The Lobby, Hope insisted. We vealready found another piece at Bast for that space. And if you hadn t had a stick up your butt, I d ve fixedit for The Lobby.Justine aimed a hard stare. Just whose butt are youreferring to, Ryder, as I m the one who told you to takethe defective piece down to the basement? Where I fixed it, he muttered. I m going to get it.Give me a hand, he said to Beckett.More than willing to get out of the line of fire, Beckettaimed for the basement. If it doesn t work there, if you don t like it, we ll haulit out, Owen promised. It s a good-looking piece. Defective, and not worth what I paid for it.I gotcaught up, Justine admitted, and rubbed the dog s earswhen he walked over to lean on her. Well, we ll see.Hope, that must be Carolee bringing in more kitchen Hope, that must be Carolee bringing in more kitchenthings, she added when she heard the footsteps on themain stairs. Maybe the two of you can get the chafingdishes, the coffee urn.Let s see how it all looks. Sure.Owen opened his mouth, but a look from his mothercut off his offer to help.Justine held her tongue untilHope s footsteps retreated. I wanted her out of theroom for a few minutes. Then she folded her arms asRyder and Beckett carried in the repaired server. Ryder Thomas Montgomery.Owen knew that tone, that look.Though it wasn taimed at him this time he felt his own balls shrink alittle.Head bowed, tail tucked, Dumbass slunk back over tohis corner. Ma am. I didn t raise you to be rude to people, to snarl atwomen, or to snap at employees.I expect you to bepolite to Hope, whether or not you agree with her.He set down the server. Okay.But  But? The single syllable rang with warning andchallenge.Standing hip-shot now, Ryder put on his mostagreeable expression. Well, you said we were to treather like family.So, do you want me to be polite to her,or treat her like family?Justine said nothing for a long, simmering moment. Justine said nothing for a long, simmering moment.Beckett edged away from his brother as she startedforward.She reached up, grabbed both Ryder s ears. Think you re clever? Yes m.I take after my mama.She laughed, shook his head from side to side. Yourfather s son is what you are. And poked him in thebelly. Watch your tone. Okay.Nodding, Justine stepped back, fisted her hands onher hips. That top s warped, Ry. Some, yeah.It s poorly made and overpriced, but itworks and it s pretty enough.Better when you putthose big copper things on it. Maybe, yeah.Galls me.My mistake. Yeah, it was. Ryder shrugged. You outfitted a nine-thousand-square-foot B&B from p-traps to four-posters,and this is your mistake? That s not shabby, Mom.She slid him a glance. You are clever.Maybe you dotake after me.She turned as Hope came in with a huge box, followedby Carolee with another. Let me take that. Ryder stepped over, took the boxfrom Hope. I m being polite. Did it hurt? Not yet.Might be sore later.Beckett took the box from Carolee, and Owen stood Beckett took the box from Carolee, and Owen stoodback a moment, watched them.Unpacking boxes,pulling out the big coffee urn, the chafing dishes, theracks, shoving aside boxes and packing material he dhaul it out later.Carolee talking about washing wineglasses, his motheradjusting her hair tie.Beckett and Ryder making noisesabout hauling the mirror in so they could get next doorand join the crew.He waited while the three women studied the result onthe piece in question. It doesn t show, but I ll know it s warped. Hopepushed at her hair. That just irritates me. She shiftedher gaze to Ryder. I ll get over it. Good.Let s get that mirror in place and get out ofhere before they find something else for us to haularound. I need a minute first.Quick meeting, Owenannounced. After we knock off, Ryder began. It s got to be now. Deliberately Owen put a sour lookon his face. It s about the U and O. Christ, don t tell me they re giving us a hassle withUse and Occupancy.The inspector signed off.Owen gave Ryder a sigh, a slow shake of the head. Yeah.I went up to Hagerstown to see if I could movethis along.And.I got it.Beckett pointed at him. You got the U and O. Beckett pointed at him. You got the U and O.Grinning, Owen pointed back. I got the U and O. Oh my God.Oh my God! Carolee. Justine grabbedher sister s hand.Owen punched Ryder in the shoulder, then grinned atHope. Are you ready to move in? We can haul the restof your stuff over.You can stay here tonight. I m so ready.Owen! Laughing she threw her armsaround him, kissed him on the mouth. I m moving in.After the jump and squeal with his mother, with hisaunt, Hope jumped at Beckett, kissed him noisily.Then stopped short at Ryder. What do I get? A hearty handshake?She laughed again, shook her head, and gave him avery prim, very chaste peck on the cheek. Same thing, he complained.But he threw an arm around Owen s shoulders, theother around Beckett s. Son of a bitch.We did it.Justine s eyes filled, spilled over. My boys, shemurmured.She spread her arms wide to embrace allthree of her sons.She held tight there a moment, justheld as Dumbass tried to nose into the hug. All right. Stepping back, she nodded as she brushedtears away. Lunch, here.On me.Beckett, see if Clarecan come over.Owen, call Avery, order us up somefood, have her bring it over and join us if she can.Hope, break out one no two of the bottles ofchampagne we re stocking for guests. champagne we re stocking for guests. Oh, you bet. I haven t washed all the glassware! Carolee made adash for the kitchen. Champagne? Ryder commented. At lunch? Damn right, champagne. Speaking of champagne, sort of. Owen scratched hisjaw. Ry, do you have a date for New Year s Eve? Yeah.The Giggler.But I m going to bail. On New Year s Eve? his mother demanded. Believe me, if you heard the giggle, you dunderstand.Why? he asked Owen. You want to takeme dancing? I m having a party. This New Year s? his mother said, eyes wide. Yeah, yeah, this one. Jeez!  It s no big deal.Just aparty.A holiday get-together.A thing with food anddrink.You can come, right?Puffing out her cheeks, Justine continued to studyhim. Sure. Ry? Why not? Clare s on her way up, Beckett announced as hepocketed his phone. New Year s Eve party, my place [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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