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.an "employer"505 AND WHAT DO WE CALL THE PERSON WHO WORKS FOR HIM ?We call the person who works for him an "employee"DICTATION 47All right,/ but the root of the problem/ still remains:/ when a man murders another man,/ought we to put him in prison/ or kill him ?/ It's difficult to cross the road/ in safetynowadays./ I'm determined to keep studying/ until I can speak English/ really well./ Helay down quietly/ and died./ Customers in a shop/ are called "sir" or "madam";/ and anofficer is called "sir"/ by his men./ When we get wet,/ we have to take our clothes off/and dry them./ In spite of the fact that/ he seems to be quite tall,/ he is only about/standard height.LESSON 86DURATION FORM*PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVEI HAD BEEN WORKING FOR TWO HOURS WHEN HE CAME YESTERDAY PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVEI HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR TWO HOURS UNTIL NOW506 FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVEI SHALL HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR TWO HOURS WHEN HE COMESTOMORROWWe form the Past, Present and Future Perfect Progressive Tenses by using the verb"to have" with the word "been" and the Present Participle of the main verb.Forexample, "I have been working for two hours."/ Another name for these tenses isthe "Duration Form"./HOW DO WE FORM THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE PERFECTPROGRESSIVE TENSES ? We form the Past,.by using the verb "to have" withthe word "been" and the Present Participle of the main verbGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE! "I have been studying for two hours"WHAT'S ANOTHER NAME FOR THESE TENSES ? Another name.theDuration FormWhen we only wish to express a continuous action, we use the ordinary Past,Present or Future Progressive Tenses.For example:"I was working when he came"."I am working"."I shall be working when he comes"/.507 If, however, we wish to add how long the action has been in progress, we use thePerfect Progressive Tenses.For example:PAST PROGRESSIVEI WAS WORKING WHEN HE CAME PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVEI HAD BEEN WORKING FOR TWO HOURS WHEN HE CAMEWHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE ORDINARY PROGRESSIVETENSES AND THE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSES ?/ The differencebetween the.is that we use the ordinary Progressive Tenses when we onlywish to express a continuous action, whilst we use the Perfect ProgressiveTenses when we wish to add how long the action has been in progressGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! "I was working when he came" becomes"I had been working for two hours when he came"Consequently, we use the Perfect Progressive Tense for an action that began in thepast and is still in progress, and when we wish to say how long the action has been inprogress.For example: "I have been working for two hours - and I am stillworking."508 CONSEQUENTLY, WHEN DO WE USE THE PERFECT PROGRESSIVETENSE ?/ We use the Perfect.for an action that began in the past and isstill in progress, and when we wish to say howlong the action has been in progressGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! "I have been working for two hours - andI am still working"HOW LONG HAD YOU BEEN SITTING IN THIS ROOM FOR WHEN ICAME IN ? I had been sitting in this room for.when you came inSINCE WHAT TIME HAD YOU BEEN SITTING IN THIS ROOM WHEN ICAME IN ?/ I had been sitting in this room since.when you came inHOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STUDYING ENGLISH FOR? I've beenstudying English for.SINCE WHEN ? Since February 1st.19.HOW LONG WILL YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING IN THIS PLACE FOR WHENTHIS YEAR (OR SEASON) ENDS ? I'll have been living in this place for.when this year (or season) endsSINCE WHEN ? Since.FLOWN / III forma czasownika  to fly" WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO FLY" ? The paradigm.fly - flew - flown509 HAVE YOU EVER FLOWN IN A PLANE? Yes, I've flown.or.No,I've never.DRAW ciągnąć, rysować RULER linijkaWHAT AM I DOING ? You're drawing your book along the table (or drawingyour chair along the floor)COULD YOU DRAW A COMPLETELY STRAIGHT LINE WITHOUT THEHELP OF A RULER?/ No, I couldn't draw a completely straight linewithout the help of a rulerARE YOU GOOD AT DRAWING PICTURES ? Yes, I'm good at.or.No, I'm not.WHAT KIND OF PICTURES?WHO WAS THE LAST RULER OF YOUR COUNTRY ? The last rulerof my country was.EARTH ASTRONOMICAL GEOGRAPHICALziemia astronomiczny geograficznyGENERALLY SPEAKING, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "EARTH"AND "WORLD" ? Generally speaking the difference between.is thatwe use the word "earth" in the astronomical sense, and"world" in the geographical sense510 HOW PAR'S THE EARTH FROM THE SUN?/ The Earth's about 93,000,000miles from the sun, or 150,000,000 kilometresWHAT COLOUR'S THE EARTH AROUND THIS PLACE; AND IS IT RICHEARTH ? The earth around this place is.; and it's.BY MEANS OF.PUBLIC (adj) TRANSPORTza pomocą publiczny transportBY WHAT MEANS CAN WE DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE ? We can draw astraight line by means of a pen or a pencil and a rulerBY WHAT MEANS DO YOU COME TO SCHOOL? I come to school by(means of a) bus, train, car etc.WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE YOUR OWN MEANS OF TRANSPORT THANUSE PUBLIC TRANSPORT ?/ Yes, I'd rather have.or.No,I wouldn't rather have.WHY OR WHY NOT? AS A MEANS OF MAKING MONEY, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY WAS THEBEST WAY ? As a means of.I'd say the best way was.511 FIGURE figura, cyfraDO YOU THINK THAT MEN AND WOMEN HAD BETTER FIGURES INTHE OLD DAYS THAN THEY HAVE TODAY?/ Yes, I think that.or.No, I don't.WHO DO YOU THINK WAS THE WORST FIGURE IN HISTORY ? I think.was the worst.WHY?WHO DO YOU THINK WAS THE GREATEST FIGURE IN HISTORY ?I think.was the greatest.HOW MANY FIGURES ARE THERE IN THE NUMBER OF YOUR HOUSE ?/There are.figures in the.WHAT KIND OF FIGURE AM I DRAWING IN THE AIR WITH MYFINGER ? You're drawing a square (a circle etc)in the air with your fingerADOPT zaadaptowaćIF YOU WENT TO LIVE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, DO YOU THINK YOUWOULD QUICKLY ADOPT THE WAY OF LIVING IN THAT COUNTRY ?Yes, if I went to.I think I'd.or.No, if I went to.I don't think I'd.WHY OR WHY NOT ?/512 CRUEL okrutny, srogiWHO DO YOU THINK WAS THE CRUELLEST CHARACTER IN HISTORY ?I think.was the cruellest.COLLEGE szkoła (wyższa, średnia) UNIVERSITY uniwersytetWHAT'S A COLLEGE? A college is a kind of school, and also part of a universityBURN palić sięIF YOU PUT A PIECE OF WOOD OR PAPER INTO A FLAME, WHATHAPPENS TO IT ? If you put a piece of.it burnsEXERCISE 38 LESSON 87RUN biec, pędzićWHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO RUN" ? The paradigm.run - ran - runWHAT'S THE FURTHEST YOU'VE EVER RUN ? The furthest I've ever run is.GROW - GREW - GROWN rosnąć MOST OF ALL przede wszystkim513 WHAT DOES THE VERB "TO GROW" MEAN? The verb "to grow" means"."WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO GROW" ?/ The paradigm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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