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.BACK OUT OF cofnąć, nie dotrzymać słowa1223 He backed out of the agreement at the last moment and refused to sign the contractBACK UP udzielać popraciaIf I go and complain to the boss, will you back me up ?BREAK DOWN załamać sięShe could take no more.She just broke down and cried.BREAK THROUGH przedrzeć (się)It was very difficult to break through the resistance to the plan.BRING ABOUT powodować, wywołaćThe disaster which followed was brought about by the floods./BRING IN wprowadzać, wydać The government brought in a new law to cover the emergency.BRING OFF doprowadzić coś do końcaDespite the difficulties and lack of encouragement, he managed to bring it off.BRING OUT wynieść, uwydatniać1224 In his letter to the board of directors, he failed to bring out the main points of theargument.BRING ROUND oprzytomniećWe brought him round by throwing a glass of water in his face.CALL BY wpaść do kogośWe will call by on our way home tomorrow to let you know what happened./CALL FOR wymagaćTougher laws were called for in order to stop the increase in crime.CALL IN kupić coś (po drodze)"Would you call in at the greengrocer's on the way home and buy me some onions ?"CALL ON zaprosićI called on John on my way to the cinema and asked him if he would like to comewith me.CALL UP powołać (do służby)1225 Many millions of men had to be called up during the Second World War.CARRY OFF uprowadzićThe child was carried off by the two men and held by them until his parents paidthe money they demanded./CATCH ON przyjąć sięThat kind of music will never catch on in this country.Somepeople are very slow to catch on to what is being said.CHECK OVER sprawdzićI think we should check the goods over before we send them off. CLEAR OFF wynosić się, zniknąćThe youths soon cleared off the moment the police arrived.COME ACROSS być zrozumianymWhat he was trying to explain in his speech did not come across very clearly.COME BY przejechać obok1226 The car came by my house at a frightening speed./COME FORWARD wyłonić się, pojawić sięTo everyone's surprise no-one came forward to collect the reward.COME OFF wyjśćWhat we were trying to do didn't quite come off.COME OUT rosnąć, okazać sięIt is the type of flower that comes out in late spring.Let'shope it will all come out to everyone's advantage.COUNT ON polegaćYou can always count on her help in a crisis.CUT ACROSS skrócić (drogę)We cut across the field in order to save time.CUT BACK zredukować znaczącoThe government had to cut back on the amount of money it was spending on arms./1227 CUT IN wyjechać nagle do przoduThe car cut in in front of us.I wonder if I might cut in here on the conversation.CUT OFF odciąćLast night our electricity supply was suddenly cut off.CUT OUT usunąć We have too many.We'll have to cut that one out.CUT UP pociąćShe cut the paper up into several small pieces.DO AWAY WITH wyrzucićIt's about time you did away with that old jacket of yours.DO OUT OF pozbawićHe was very angry at having been done out of his fair share of the profits./DRAW IN skracać DRAW OUT wydłużać1228 The days begin to draw in as winter approaches and draw out as summerapproaches.DROP BY wpaść do kogośIt was nice of you to drop by to see me.DROP OUT odpaśćBecause of the speed and character of modern life, some people decide to drop outof society.I now regret dropping out in the middle of the course.FACE UP TO stawić czołaI just couldn't face up to another violent argument with him.FALL BACK ON zwrócić się, powrócićShe always had her parents to fall back on in an emergency./FALL IN WITH zaznajomić sięWe fell in with a group of tourists who were able to help us and give us directions.We were quite willing to fall in with their plans.1229 FALL THROUGH zakończyć się fiaskiemOur holiday plans fell through at the last moment, due to my father's suddenillness.FEEL UP TO nie być w stanie I'm sorry, but I just don't feel up to going to the party this evening.GET AT zmierzać do czegośNo matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't understand what he was trying to getat./GET AWAY WITH uciec, uniknąćThe thieves broke into the house and got away with a considerable amount ofjewellery.The boy got away with the crime on the grounds that he was too young tounderstand what he was doing.GET DOWN zejść z.The children were allowed to get down from the table and play with their new toys.GET IN zebrać do1230 The schoolchildren helped to get in the harvest before the weather worsened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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