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.It is worked by a large wheel which is forced round and round by thewater./WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A WINDMILL AND A WATERMILL ?The difference.is that a windmill is worked by the actionof the wind.a watermill.is run by water.We generally find windmills in flat country where the wind is strong.For thisreason there are many in Holland.Watermills we generally find in hilly or moun-tainous country which has a lot of rain and many fast-flowing rivers or streams.Watermills can also be made to produce electricity or to drive various kinds ofmachines./WHERE DO WE GENERALLY FIND WINDMILLS AND WATERMILLS ?We generally find windmills in flat country.Watermillswe generally find in hilly or mountainous country.The word "mill" can also be used with the meaning of "factory", but we usuallythink of a mill in this sense as producing such things as cloth or steel; whilst afactory usually produces a finished article like a car, an electric iron, or a packet ofcigarettes, etc.948 WHAT'S GENERALLY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MILL AND AFACTORY ? / The difference.is that we usually think of a mill as producingsuch things as cloth or steel, whilst a factory usuallyproduces a finished article like a car.CONVINCE ADMIT TRYprzekonać przyznać się, wpuszczać próbowaćWHEN A MAN COMMITS MURDER AND THE LAW CANNOT PROVE HEDID IT, EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE IS CONVINCED HE DID, WHATHAPPENS? When a man.the man is set free AND IF AFTERWARDS HE ADMITS TO THE CRIME, WHAT HAPPENS?/If afterwards he.he is still left free, because a man can't be triedtwice for the same crime (unless perhaps further proof can be found)WHAT MUST YOU BUY IN ORDER TO BE ADMITTED TO THE CINEMA ?You must buy a ticket in order.RELIEVE PILL RELIEF PARCELulżyć, zwolnić pigułka, tabletka ulga paczka949 IF WE HAVE TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, STOMACH-ACHE ETC., WHATCAN WE DO TO RELIEVE THE PAIN?/ If we have toothache.we can take apill etc.to relieve the painHOW LONG IS A SOLDIER GENERALLY ON GUARD FOR BEFORE HE'SRELIEVED ? A soldier is generally on guard for perhaps two tofour hours before he's relievedWHAT'S THE NOUN OF "RELIEVE" ? The noun.is "reliefDURING A WAR, WHAT DO WE MEAN BY RED CROSS RELIEF? During awar, by Red Cross relief, we mean parcels of food and medicine etc.sent to the soldiers who are prisoners behind the enemy lines.SELF SELFISH SELF-CONTROL CONTROL (v) EMOTIONtu: oblicze samolubny samokontrola kontrolować uczucieWHY IS IT THAT WE SELDOM KNOW ANOTHER PERSON'S REAL SELF ?/The reason we seldom.is that most people keep apart of themselves hidden from others.WHAT DO YOU THINK A SELFISH NATURE IS DUE TO ? I think a selfishnature is perhaps due to the person being spoilt as a child.950 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY SELF-CONTROL? By self-control we mean we controlour own feelings, desires and emotionswithout discipline coming from others.LIE -LAY -LAIN LIE - LIED - LIED LAY - LAID - LAIDpołożyć się kłamać kłaść, położyć (coś)Three verbs which sometimes get confused with one another are -1) The irregular verb"to lie" as in "to lie in bed", its paradigm being "lie - lay - lain" 2) The regular verb"to lie" meaning "not to tell the truth", its paradigm being "lie - lied - lied" and 3)The verb "to lay" as in "to lay the book on the table", its paradigm being "lay - laid- laid". WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE IRREGULAR VERB "TO LIE" ANDWHAT DOES IT MEAN ?/ The paradigm.lie - lay - lain, and it means.as in "to lie in bed"WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE REGULAR VERB "TO LIE", AND WHATDOES IT MEAN ? The paradigm.lie - lied - lied, and it means.i.e."not to tell the truth"951 WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO LAY" AND WHAT DOES ITMEAN ? The paradigm.lay - laid - laid, and it means.asin "to lay the book on the table"TIGHT TIGHTLY TIGHT-FITTING AIRTIGHTobcisły, ciasny mocno obcisły hermetycznyLOOSE-FITTING CONTAINER WATERTIGHT/luzny zbiornik wodoszczelnyWHAT AM I DOING ? You're holding on tightly to the arm of the chairWHAT'S THE CONTRARY OF "TIGHT" ? The contrary."loose"WHICH ARE MORE COMFORTABLE - TIGHT-FITTING OR LOOSE-FITTINGCLOTHES ? Loose-fitting clothes are more comfortableWHY ? Because they allow one to move more easily.In hot weather they keep onecool whilst in cold weather they keep one warm, as they allow plenty ofair between the body and the material the clothes are made ofand so act as a form of protection.WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY A CONTAINER IS AIRTIGHT ANDWATERTIGHT ?/ When we say a.we mean that no air or water can passinto it from outside, or vice versaAIM cel, celować TAKE AIM nacelować952 WHAT AM I PRETENDING TO DO? You're pretending to take aim atthe window with a gunHAVE YOU ANY PARTICULAR AIM IN LIFE ? Yes, I've a.or.No,I haven't a.WHAT?DAMP wilgotnyIS IT HEALTHY TO LIVE IN A DAMP HOUSE? No, it isn't healthy to. WHY NOT ? Because it can make us ill.INDEED rzeczywiście, naprawdęWHAT DOES THE WORD "INDEED" MEAN, AND WHAT DO WE USE ITFOR ?/ The word "indeed" means "really", and we use it for emphasisGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! It's very cold indeedJAW szczękaWHAT PART OF THE BODY'S THIS? It's the jawLADDER2460 drabinaDESCRIBE A LADDER./ A ladder's two pieces of wood or metal with several smallerpieces put horizontally across the two to act as steps forclimbing when the ladder is leant against a wall.953 USE OF THE HYPHENWhen to use a hyphen and when not to use a hyphen in English is by no means easyto learn.These days, writers, and sometimes even dictionaries, will disagree aboutthe use of the hyphen.As with most things, it is often safer to observe eachindividual case and remember it.One point worth noting, however, could be that ahyphen can make a difference in meaning.For example, a "paper-knife" with ahyphen, is a knife which is used for cutting paper, whilst a "paper knife" without ahyphen is a knife made of paper.TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT THE USE OF THE HYPHEN IN ENGLISH./When to use a hyphen and when not to.GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF HOW A HYPHEN CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCEIN MEANING."Paper-knife" with a hyphen means.whilst the samewords without the hyphen mean.954 IDIOM 46A LOAD OFF ONE'S MIND = a relief from worry kamień spadł.z serca e.g.Now that I know the results at last, it's a great load off my mind. WHAT DOES THE IDIOM "A LOAD OFF ONE'S MIND" MEAN ? The idiom"a load off one's mind" means "relief from worry"GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! I'm glad you've arrived safely.It's a greatload off my mindDICTATION 82I am afraid/1 cannot recommend him for the job./ A wound we get from fighting,/ whilst aninjury we get by accident./ They decided to separate/ and sit at separate tables./ Wegenerally finish a business letter/ with "Yours faithfully" or "Yours sincerely"./ When weapply for a job,/ the manager, or whoever it might be,/ usually asks for a reference./ Thecorn stood shoulder high,/ but sad to relate/ was full of weeds./ There is still a chance/ thatthe envelope containing the money/ might be found./ STAGE 10955 LESSON 144SHADE SHADOW OVERHEAD PROJECTORcień, odcień, osłonić cień nad głową projektorBEAM SCREEN OLD - FASHIONEDwiązka światła ekran staroświeckiWHAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF "TO SIT IN THE SUN"? The opposite of "to sit inthe sun" is "to sit in the shade"WHAT SHADE OF BLUE DO YOU PREFER-A LIGHT SHADE OR A DARKSHADE ? I prefer a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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