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.or.No, I don't.WHY OR WHY NOT ?ELECT wybraćIN THE OLD DAYS, WAS THE GOVERNMENT OF A COUNTRYGENERALLY ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE ?/ No, in the old days, the governmentof a country was not elected by the people, but in some cases it wasPOWER siÅ‚aDO YOU THINK THAT ALL THE POWER OF A COUNTRY OUGHT TOBE PUT INTO THE HANDS OF ONE MAN? Yes, I think that all.or.No, I don't think that all.519 SILENT cichyWHAT'D BE THE DANGER OF HAVING A COMPLETELY SILENT CAR?The danger of having a.would be that people crossing theroad would not hear it comingDICTATION 48 TAKE A BATH kÄ…pać siÄ™They threw themselves down/ under the big piece of wood,/ which stood against thewall,/ to protect themselves/ from the rain./ If they had not done so,/ they would have got/thoroughly wet./ If we drive carelessly,/ we might have an accident too./ However, we donot need/ to drive too slowly./ It is strange to think/ that from such small beginnings/ weget such a large tree./ He won first prize/ for being the best student/ in his class./ A real gentleman/ is one who speaks/ to a poor man/ with the same manners/ as he speaks to arich man./ Each member of a royal family/ has a title,/ and, wherever he goes,/ he is oftenfollowed by a large crowd./ Some people take mud baths/ for their health.LESSON 88TO HAVE SOMETHING DONE " HOMEWORK READY MADEmieć coÅ› zrobione praca domowa gotowyMADE TO MEASURE robione na miarÄ™"To have something done" means that we do not do the thing ourselves, but thatsomebody else does it for us.For example, "I do not cut my hair myself, but I haveit cut for me by the hairdresser."520 WHAT DOES IT MEAN "TO HAVE SOMETHING DONE" ? " To have somethingdone" means that we don't.GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE !/ I don't cut my hair myself, but I have.DO YOU CLEAN YOUR SHOES YOURSELF OR DO YOU HAVE THEMCLEANED FOR YOU BY SOMEONE ELSE ? Yes, I clean my shoes myself.or.No, I don't.but I have them.DO YOU THINK IT'S BETTER TO BUY CLOTHES READY MADE ORHAVE THEM MADE TO MEASURE ? I think it's better to.Of course, we can use the verb "to get" instead of the verb "to have" if we wish, andsay "to get something done"./WHAT CAN WE USE INSTEAD OF THE VERB "TO HAVE" ? We can usethe verb "to get" instead of.DO YOU (OR DID YOU WHEN YOU WERE AT SCHOOL) GET SOMEONETO DO YOUR HOMEWORK FOR YOU, OR, AT LEAST, HELP YOU WITHIT ? Yes, I get someone.or.No, I don't get.521 SAVE = CONSERVE ECONOMISE PROTECT RESCUEcztery znaczenia = konserwować oszczÄ™dzać chronić ratowaćFALL DOWN / przewrócić siÄ™, upaśćThe verb "to save" has four meanings, which are: to conserve; to economise; toprotect; and to rescue. WHAT ARE THE FOUR MEANINGS OF THE VERB "TO SAVE" ? The fourmeanings of.are "to conserve."DO YOU EVER SAVE ANY OF YOUR MONEY AND PUT IT IN THEBANK ? Yes, I save some of.or.No, I never save.WHY OR WHY NOT ?WHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO SAVE TIME WHILST WORKING ?/ The bestway to.is to watch ourselves carefully and try to find thequickest and easiest way of doing the job.Saving eachsecond can very much shorten a jobWHAT DOES AN OLD MAN CARRY TO SAVE HIMSELF FROM FALLINGDOWN WHILST WALKING ? An old man carries a walking-stickto save himself.WHAT DOES IT MEAN "GOD SAVE THE KING !" ? "God save the King!"means "God protect the King!"522 HOW WOULD YOU TRY TO SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE IF YOU SAW HIMIN DIFFICULTY IN THE SEA ?/ I'd try to save someone's life if I.either byswimming to him myself and bringing him safely toland, or by running to get help.etc.TRADE TRADESMAN BAKE BAKER BUTCHER BUILDERfach, rzemiosÅ‚o kupiec, rzemieÅ›lnik piec piekarz rzeznik budowniczyWHAT KIND OF THINGS DOES YOUR COUNTRY MAINLY TRADE IN?My country mainly trades in.By "a trade" we usually mean a job in which people work mainly with their hands.Some examples of tradesmen are bakers, butchers, builders etc.WHAT DO WE USUALLY MEAN BY "A TRADE" ?/ By "a trade" we usuallymean a.WHAT'S ONE OF THE BEST-PAID TRADES IN YOUR COUNTRY ? One ofthe best-paid trades in my country is the trade of a.523 CLOSE (adj) bliskiWHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WORDS "CLOSE" (CLOZ) AND"CLOSE" (CLOS) ? The difference between.is that "close" (cloz) is a verb,whilst "close" (clos) is an adjective meaning "near" WHAT'S THE CLOSEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN TO REAL DANGER?The closest I've ever been to real danger was when.EVERY NOW AND AGAIN NO LONGER/od czasu do czasu już nie, dÅ‚użej nieWHAT DOES IT MEAN "EVERY NOW AND AGAIN" ? "Every now andagain"rneans.WHY IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE ONE'S HOUSE A THOROUGHCLEANING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM EVERY NOW AND AGAIN ?It's a good idea to give.because we find things we thought we hadlost or had forgotten were there.It also gives us an opportunityto throw out things that we no longer needISLAND 140° wyspaWHAT'S AN ISLAND? An island is a piece of land completely surrounded by sea524 OCEAN ocean INDIAN indyjskiNAME ME AN OCEAN, PLEASE !/ The Indian OceanEXTREME skrajność TAKE wziąć, braćARE YOU THE KIND OF PERSON THAT GOES FROM ONE EXTREME TOTHE OTHER, OR DO YOU GENERALLY TAKE THE MIDDLE WAY?I'm the kind of person who.PRODUCE produkowaćWHAT DOES YOUR COUNTRY PRODUCE ? My country produces.BOAST chwalić siÄ™, szczycićDO YOU LIKE PEOPLE WHO BOAST ? No, I don't like.LESSON 89TELL.SAY ADDITIONAL INFORMpowiedzieć, mówić powiedzieć, mówić dodatkowy informowaćORDER RELATE GARDENERrozkazać opowiedzieć ogrodnik 525 The verbs "to tell" and "to say" mean roughly the same thing, but the verb "to tell"has three additional meanings or uses, which are: "to inform", "to order" and "torelate".For example:1."Can you tell me the time, please ?" - or, in other words, "Can you inform meof the time, please?"2."Tell that boy to shut up!" - or, in other words, "Order that boy to shut up!"3."Tell us a story, please!" - or, "Relate a story to us, please!"/WHAT ARE THE THREE ADDITIONAL MEANINGS OF THE VERB "TOTELL", BESIDES MEANING THE SAME AS "TO SAY" ? The three additionalmeanings of [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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