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. Wehave your things.Hopefully, everything is there.I haven t looked atyour stuff in detail, but I m certain your clothes are among them.Anda sword, if I m not mistaken. How is that even possible? the young man asked, walkingbeside the captain. Standard procedure.According to the documents you were aprisoner of prince Portonas, but the king ordered his son to turn youover to his guards.They re nothing if not thorough.And they inspirefear, I assure you.They will have ordered the prince s men to givethem everything they took from you, writing everything down tothe last hole in the last sock.They also will have painted a colorfulpicture of what could happen to them should they hold anythingback.Weren t you shown a list, when they first interrogated you, andasked if everything was there that you had on you when you wereapprehended? Yes, I seem to remember something like that.Vaguely.You willexcuse me, but I was somewhat distracted at the time.Grion chuckled. Sorry about that, he said. Anyway, it s all in the past now.They mounted some stairs that brought them into the fulldaylight.The young man had to stop a few times to let his eyes adjust.They entered a big room. My own little kingdom, Grion announced.On a table, against a wall, stood a wooden crate, the detachablelid leaning against a table leg. I have a list here, Grion said. Maybe you d like to check if Bonds of Fear 195everything is there that s supposed to be there. That s all right, the young man said, rummaging through thecrate. As far as I can remember nothing is missing.Even my goldring and silver necklace are here.To my surprise, I must admit.He took the clothing out of the crate. Where can I change? Here, I m afraid, and I can t leave you all alone.But I ll turn myback to you.The last was said with a slight undertone of regret.Minutes laterthe young man was dressed and girding on his sword. You could use a bath, but even so you cut a fine figure, sir, if Imay say so, Grion said. Why, thank you, kind sir. the young man smiled and bowed. Now, if you would just sign the release document and then I llaccompany you to main gate.You can write, I suppose, seeing you renobility.If not just put a cross.He held the scroll flat, while the ex-prisoner dipped the quill inink and signed his name with a flourish.Rullio of Brenx. 196 Andrew Ashling Someone to see you, my lord, Sterff of Rivrant said. I don t seem to remember having an appointment, Anaxantissaid, looking up from a map he had been studying. Oh, before Iforget.Go and look for Lethoras, will you? Ask him to come here? Eh& the person who wants to see you said it was regardingLethoras. He did? How strange.Well, show him in, and fetch Lethoras afterhe s gone.A few moments later a man in his mid forties entered, cap inhand.He bowed. Your lordship, he mumbled. What can I do for you, master.The man looked around nervously. I understand, Anaxantis tried to help him along,  you want totalk to me about my friend Lethoras.The man winced at the mention of the word friend.He gulped,took a breath, shook his head and decided to plunge in. You see, my lord, I am the innkeeper of The Cranky Goat,Lorseth s finest establishment for quality drinks and food andcivilized entertainment.We cater to a distinguished clientèle and wetry  Yes, yes, you had me from the word drinks. Bonds of Fear 197 Yes, well, you see, your friend is a regular and valued customerwith a fine taste for rare wines and a keen eye for the ladies.He s awelcome guest.He s the life and soul of the place, whenever he isthere.Jolly, fine young man to look at, with an excellent voice and aninexhaustible repertoire of, eh, amusing songs.Not stingy.Not stingyat all&  I fail to see a problem until now, Anaxantis said, frowning. You see, my lord, I have a daughter who is  Pregnant.By the Gods.He has made her pregnant? Who is eight years old, I was going to say, with your permissionof course, the man, who had begun sweating, said.As an afterthoughthe added,  She s not pregnant.That I know of. So? She s sick, my lord, very sick, our Richild is.The doctors can donext to nothing for her but keep the pain away.She needs rare herbsand strange ingredients.All very costly.I pay it gladly, of course, justlike my good late wife would have wanted  yes, the poor lamb haslost her mother as well  but lately I m running a bit short. I m sorry to hear that, master innkeeper.Especially about yourpoor little girl [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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