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.She moved clothes from one macsfsinkhine to the other and started it.Arhythmic rumbling filled the room, andbehind the porthole of glass on the door,the clothes danced and leapt in aclockwise circle.She leaned against the machine. What do you want, Liam? You.She rolled her eyes. I mean what doyou want from life? My answer stands. Other than that.There was nothing else.Anna was all Iwanted.All I d ever dreamed of neverexpecting fate to be so kind as to allow metime with her.I had everything I coulddesire.She threw her hands up. You re notgetting it.You ve sold paintings to theguys on the delivery boats, right? What ifwe could get your work into a galleryback at home?It was too far-fetched.I shook my head. Why not? You re crazy talented.I know my dad could find a broker for yourwork. She took my hand. You could getout of here.Live in the real world insteadof this backward anachronistic hellhole.I dared not consider so fine a dreamfor fear the Washerwoman would strikeme down on the spot.I knew in my soulthat I d never leave this island.Functioning in any other world wasimpossible. Let me draw you, I said. Please, Anna.Her smile was brilliant. Don t youhave enough drawings of me already? Those are yours now.Happybirthday.Her hand flew to her throat and shegasped. Mine? Really?I nodded.  All of them? Yes.She turned her back to me and clutchedthe top of the dryer.I had hurt hersomehow. Anna. Sorry, she whispered. This is allreally new to me.Afraid of saying the wrong thing, Iremained silent and waited.She turned to face me. Everyonealways buys things for me.No one hasever given me something they ve madethemselves. She wrapped her armsaround me and leaned her head against myshoulder.Her tears soaked through thefine fabric. It means a lot.Thanks.She pressed against me, every curve of her body painfully defined through theloose silk pajamas. Will you draw me now? Yes. My voice sounded as if it camefrom someone else deep and far away. I have art supplies in the outer pocket ofthe portfolio. I saw them there.I ll be right back.She pulled away and left me empty.I leaned back against the table andwatched the clothes tumble in the dryer asif under a hypnotic spell.I was under aspell of sorts: Anna had completelybewitched me. Dear gods of the ocean! BrigidRonan s thick voice startled me to thepoint of paralysis.I held my breath,unable to move. You ve returned, she whispered to my back.I shuddered as hercool fingers touched my shoulder.I turnedto face her, and she screamed. You! What are you doing here? Hereyes darted up and down my body. Where did you get those clothes? Thelook of horror on her face mirrored myown. Anna gave them to me.a gave to mmy Ibacked up against the dryer. How dare you! You have no right.Noright to be here.No right to wear hisclothes. She was shaking all over. Youhave no right to exist.Get out!She shoved me hard and I almost lostmy balance. Get out and don t come back.Staywhere you belong! she screamed. The Bean Sidhes began to wail at thatmoment and I was overcome.Miss Ronan s voice was barelydiscernible over the creatures keening. She doesn t really love you.She s onlypassing the time while she is here.You renot good enough for her you and I bothknow that.Go back to your pitiful littlelife and stay away.You ve done enoughharm already.Now go! 23Our first impulse is to shrink fromthe danger.Unaccountably weremain. Edgar Allan Poe,from  The Imp of the Perverse,1845Silence! I shouted.To my amazement,both Miss Ronan and the Bean Sidhesobeyed. You hold no power or authorityover me, Brigid Ronan. We stared ateach other, breathing hard, for several moments. Heed my words, she warned, eyesnarrowed. Heed your words? Your words havetortured me my entire life through thevillagers mouths, but they no longerfrighten me.I believe it is you who isfrightened. I took a step toward her andshe shuffled backward away from me.Something inside me rejoiced at the tinybit of ground I d won. Until Anna tellsme otherwise, I will remain. Liam! Are you still in the laundryroom? Anna called from somewhere inthe house. Yes, I shouted.Miss Ronan s lips pulled into a tightline. This is a dangerous game, MacGregor.You will lose her and yourlife as well.Get out of this while youcan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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