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. That is not a question to ask me, he said. You know that very well. Henodded to the desk to call the prisoner s attention to the man who was, for themoment, in supreme authority. Have you any explanation for your presence on the roof of 57, CamdenCrescent? asked the sergeant.Johnny Lenley cleared his throat. I went after some stuff that was supposed to be planted behind a cistern.Andit wasn t there.That s all.Who was the snout? You needn t tell me, because Iknow.Look after my sister; Wembury; she ll want some looking after, and I dsooner trust you than any man It was unfortunate for all concerned that Mr.Meister chose that moment tomake his bedraggled appearance.He stared foolishly at the man in the hands ofthe detectives, and Johnny Lenley smiled. Hallo, Maurice! he said softly.The lawyer was staggered. Why  why  it s  it s Johnny! he stammered. You haven t been gettinginto trouble again, have you, Johnny? He raised his hands in a gesture of162 despair. What a misfortune! I ll be down at the court to defend you in themorning, my boy. He ambled up to the sergeant s desk. Any food he wants,let him have it at my expense, he said loudly. Meister! The word came like the clang of steel on steel. There was noswag behind the cistern!Mr.Meister s face was a picture of wonder and amazement. No swag behind the cistern?  Swag? I don t know what you re talkingabout, my boy.Lenley nodded and grinned mirthlessly. I came out too soon for you.It interfered with your little scheme, didn t it,Meister? You swine!Before Wembury could realise what was happening, Johnny had the lawyerby the throat.In a second four men were struggling in a heap on the ground.As they rolled on the floor, the door of the charge room flung open, andInspector Bliss appeared.He stood for a second, and then with one leap was inthe thick of the scrum.It was Bliss who flung the boy back.He walked to the prostrate Meister. Is he hurt? he demanded.White with rage, Johnny glared at the lawyer. I wish to God I d killed him! he hissed.Bliss turned his hard eyes upon the prisoner. Don t be so damned selfish, Lenley! he said coldly.163 CHAPTER 43Alan Wembury had only one thought in his mind as he walked from thepolice station, and that a supremely wretched one.Mary had to be told.Againhe was to be an unwilling messenger of woe.A fog was blowing up from theriver, and lay so thick in some places that he had to grope his way feeling alongthe railings.In the dip of Lewisham High Road it was clearer, for some reason.Being human, he cursed the fog; cursed John Lenley for his insensate folly; butit was when he thought of Maurice Meister that he found it most difficult tocontrol his anger.The base treachery of the man was almost inhuman.He climbed up the stone staircase of Malpas Mansions and knocked at thedoor of Mary s flat.There was no answer.He knocked again; and then he heardan inner door open the snap of a lock as it was turned back, and: Is that you, Johnny? I thought you had the key. No, my dear, it is I. Alan! She took a step back and her hand went to her heart. Is anythingwrong?Her face was twitching with anxiety.He did not answer until he had closedthe door behind him and followed her into the room. Is there anything wrong? she asked again&  Is it Johnny?He nodded.She sank into a chair and covered her eyes with her hands. Is he& arrested? she whispered. Yes, said Alan. For the forgery? She spoke in a voice little above a whisper. For the forgery? He stared down at her. I don t know what you mean, mydear.And she turned a white, bewildered face up to his. Isn t it for forgery? she asked, in wonder; and then, as she realised herindiscretion:  Will you forget that I asked that, Alan? Of course I ll forget, Mary, my dear.I know nothing about a forgery.Johnnywas arrested for being on enclosed premises. For burglary  oh, my God! I don t know what it s all about.I m a little at sea myself, said Alan. Iwish I could tell you everything I guess: perhaps I will, even if I am fired out ofthe force for it.He dropped his hand gently on her shoulder.164  You ve got to stand up to this, Mary; there may be some explanation.I can tunderstand why Johnny should have been such a lunatic.I did my best to warnhim.I still think there is a chance for him.After I leave here and have seenMeister, I m going to knock up a lawyer friend of mine and get his advice.Iwish he hadn t gone for Meister.And then he told her of the scene at the police station, and she was horrified. He struck Maurice? Oh, he s mad! Why, Maurice has it in his power  Shestopped short.Alan s keen eyes searched her face. Go on, he said gently [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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