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.The abbreviations must follow the value without a space: forexample, 3mm.Src specifies the source data file.Enter a file name, or click the folder icon tobrowse to a file.Plg Url specifies the URL of the PLUGINSPAGE attribute.Enter the complete URL ofthe site where users can download the plugin.If the user viewing your page doesnot have the plugin, the browser tries to download it from this URL.Align determines how the object is aligned on the page.See  Aligning elementson page 203 for a description of each option.V Space and H Space specify the amount of white space in pixels above, below, andon both sides of the plugin.Borders specifies the width of the border around the plugin.Parameters opens a dialog box for entering additional parameters to pass to theNetscape Navigator plugin.See  About parameters on page 296.Many pluginsrespond to special parameters.The Flash plugin, for example, includes parametersfor BGCOLOR, SALIGN, and SCALE.290 Chapter 11 Playing plugins in the Document windowYou can preview movies and animations that rely on Navigator plugins that is,elements that use the EMBED tag directly in the Document window.(It is notpossible to preview movies or animations that rely on ActiveX controls in theDocument window.) You can play all plugin elements at one time to see how thepage will look to the user, or you can play each one individually to ensure that youhave embedded the correct media element.To play movies, the proper plugins must be installed on your computer.WhenDreamweaver starts up, it automatically searches for all installed plugins, lookingfirst in the Configuration/Plugins folder and then in the plugin folders of allinstalled browsers.To play plugin content in the Document window:1 Insert one or more media elements by choosing Insert > Media > Shockwave,Insert > Media > Flash, or Insert > Media > Plugin.2 Play plugin content:Select one of the media elements you have inserted and choose View >Plugins > Play.Choose View > Plugins > Play All to play all of the media elements on the pagethat rely on plugins.To stop playing plugin content:Select a media element and choose View > Plugins > Stop, or choose View >Plugins > Stop All to stop all plugin content from playing.Troubleshooting Navigator pluginsIf you have followed the steps to play plugin content in the Document window,but some of the plugin content does not play, try the following:Make sure the associated plugin is installed on your computer, and that thecontent is compatible with the version of the plugin you have.Open the file Configuration/badplugins.cfg in a text editor and look to see ifthe plugin in question is listed.The badplugins.cfg file keeps track of pluginsthat cause Dreamweaver to fail or cause other serious problems.(If youexperience problems with a particular plugin, consider adding it to this file.)Check that you have enough memory (and on the Macintosh, check thatenough memory is allocated to Dreamweaver).Some plugins require anadditional 2 MB to 5 MB of memory to run.Inserting Media 291 Inserting an ActiveX controlActiveX controls (formerly known as OLE controls) are reusable components,somewhat like miniature applications, that can act like browser plugins.They runin Internet Explorer with Windows, but they don t run on the Macintosh or inNetscape Navigator.The ActiveX object in Dreamweaver lets you supplyattributes and parameters for an ActiveX control in your visitor s browser.Dreamweaver uses the OBJECT tag to mark the place on the page where the ActiveXcontrol will appear, and to provide parameters for the ActiveX control.To insert ActiveX control content:1 In the Document window, place the insertion point where you want to insertthe content.2 Click the ActiveX button in the Object palette.An icon marks where the ActiveX control will appear on the page inInternet Explorer.ActiveX propertiesAfter inserting an ActiveX object, use the Property inspector to set attributes ofthe OBJECT tag and parameters for the ActiveX control.Click Parameters in theProperty inspector to enter names and values for properties that don t appear inthe Property inspector.There is no widely accepted standard format forparameters for ActiveX controls; to find out which parameters to use, consult thedocumentation for the ActiveX control you re using.The Property inspector initially displays the most commonly used properties.Click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all properties.Name specifies a name to identify the ActiveX object for scripting.Enter a namein the unlabeled field on the far left side of the Property inspector.W and H specify the width and height of the object in pixels.You can also specifythe following units: pc (picas), pt (points), in (inches), mm (millimeters), cm(centimeters), or % (percentage of the parent object s value).The abbreviationsmust follow the value without a space: for example, 3mm.Class ID identifies the ActiveX control to the browser [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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