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.YourName.com _)(_ Virtual Accounts _)(_ from just $19/month _)(_ _)(_ http://www.abc.com _)(_ admin@abc.com _)(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)====================================================Creative Online Marketing | Email: info@online.com555-564-1212 | http://www.online.com====================================================Free 15 page report:  Secrets to marketing onlineSend blank email to: autoresponder@online.com====================================================Insider Secrets 5 - 4 NOTES:You always want to use characters in your border that have a lot of ink space and have a lot of "lines" in the character to make itlook blacker.For example, the  m has one more line than an  n ,so it will look  blacker and make a thicker border and istherefore, better to use.Likewise, the  @ is a lot  blacker whenyou put a row of them together than the letter  a.Using a border will bring more attention to your contact info thanany text art.The only exception to this would be to have a simpletext art company logo and a border around that logo and yourcontact info (like the Allied Office Supplies signature on theprevious page).Modify your signature to suit different marketing needs;promoting your website, autoresponder, contest or special offer, orspecific product or service.Use one  Sig to target the market in acertain discussion and another to target different customers in othernewsgroup postings (can you see where I am coming from?).Tailor your email signature to test different promotions OR tailorthe slogan/message in your signature to a specific target audience.By the way, try not to use titles like President or CEO in youremail signature.This doesn t impress anyone but you.The formatting of your email messages is also something to payattention to.Not everyone uses the newer email programs that wrap around the text in their viewing box.Depending on whatemail program you are using, some can insert carriage returns atthe end of each line which can cause line breaks making yourmessage very hard to read.If someone can t read your email, howcan you sell them something?In your settings menu of your email program you want to haveapproximately 70 characters per line in outgoing and 80characters for incoming email (the box that you actually viewand read your email in).The reason for this is because some peopleare running in 640 X 480 pixels, which means you can only getabout 78 character per line after you shave off other junk likewindow borders.If you don t do this, your email may look greatwhen you send it, but the received file might look something likethis:Hi,Thanks for your inquiry.ABC Inc.is hereto helpyou withall your advertising needs.We deal withInsider Secrets 5 - 5 NOTES:manyFortune 500companies to very small businesses.Nomatter whatsizeyour business is, we can tailor aadvertisingcampaign tofit your budget and your needs.& etc., etc., etc.Another reason for setting your outgoing email window to 70characters is so there is enough room to insert the  > characterwhen your post is quoted (or replied-to) without forcing line breaks(as in the above example).I know this may seem trivial but, how can someone read yourmessages (much less buy your product or service) if they can tread your email?If you want the view box in your customer s email reader to be acertain size because of what you are displaying, you can alwayshave a  size ruler show them how big the box should be.A sizeruler would look like this and be found at the top of an emailmessage:================================================================================================================It is impossible to make line art (text art) work under all conditionsbecause of the different fonts and spacing of email programs, buttabbing seems to hold up pretty well.The only time you reallyneed to use a hard carriage return is when you are tabbing orindenting on the next line.Try to personalize your email responses as much as possible.This can be as simple as changing the address from somethinggeneric, to  Hi John at the beginning.It makes your messagemuch more powerful to the reader, as he or she then feelsimportant.I highly recommend the email program Eudora.The freewareversion of Eudora Light will do, but if you can afford the $39.00for Eudora Pro (http://www.eudora.com), it has a few extrafeatures that I feel are worth the cost (i.e.it will encodeattachments in UUE, has a built in spell checker, and much more).Insider Secrets 5 - 6 NOTES:In my opinion, it is the easiest and most productive email programon the market.Daily email management can be very timeconsuming or it can be a very easy task.I will show you how you can use Eudora to lessen your workloadevery day and how to sort your email.It is important to save your email into different  mailboxes forreference later.In Eudora it is as simple as highlighting the emailmessage in your  IN box, clicking on the menu option TRANSFER , and then clicking on the appropriate box you wantit to go to.This organizes all your email in an orderly fashion.Ihave a separate Eudora program running for every business I have,which keeps emails organized for each business separately.Below is a screen capture of one of my older version of Eudora Proshowing you the 19 extra mailboxes I have set up.Throughout thiscourse I will be using screen capture of the older version of Eudoraas now that I have a large staff, each Eudora is set up specificallyfor them& but I wanted to give you an idea of what it looked likewhen I was running the entire business myself  like you willprobably be doing):Insider Secrets 5 - 7 NOTES:Advertising is for examples of advertising, email promotions,contracts, or correspondence I have used in advertising.Auto Connection is for all correspondence with this particularaffiliate of mine.Bledsoe is for all correspondence that I have with another businessaffiliate named Bledsoe.We do a lot of cooperative campaignstogether.Bus [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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