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., 192 Bird Head (Ponca), 230, 234Beecher s Island Fight, 20 23, 20 Birkhimer, William Edward, 291,n8, 457 446Beeson, Miss, 344 fn Bisbee, Eugene, 48, 52, 59, 60,Belcher, Gertrude, 43 44 97, 100 1, 320 INDEX 519Bisbee, Mrs., 48 n10, 372 n12 13, 373 n14, 378Bisbee, William Henry, 47 49, 52, fn, 407 n7, 413, 418, 427 n3,56 58, 61, 67, 446 444, 446 47, 449 50, 453 54,Bishop, Hoel Smith, 374 456, 460, 462, 464, 467, 469,Bismarck, Otto Edouard Leopold, 471 72, 480 81, 488, 494,Prince von, 312 498, 501, 503, 505; and diary,Black Coal (Arapaho), 493, 510, 1 2, 154; ethnological work,514 2, 287 88, 290 n1, 301 2, 302Black Crow (Ponca), 172, 188, n13, 311; staff duties, 2; and191, 201, 205, 229, General Crook, 2, 287 88;Black Elk (Ponca), 229, 234, 246 on technology, 3; on GeneralBlackfeet Indians (non-Lakota Sherman, 3, 103, 165; on Presi-group), 70, 323 25 dent Hayes, 3 4, 183; on LucyBlackfeet Lakota Indians, 257 Hayes, 3 4, 182 83; views onBlack Raven (Ponca), 260 food, 4, 30; on Mormonism,Blaine, James G., 498 5 6; anti-Semitism, 6, 353,Blaine, John Ewing, 318, 446 355; racial and cultural atti-Blanchard, Miss, 141 tudes, 6, 289; on Indian policy,Bloom, Lansing, 364 n1, 366 n6, 7; and Uintah Utes, 7, 56; on369 n10, 372 n12, 432 n6, Carl Schurz, 13 14, 84; visit toBlue Horse (Oglala), 134 Yellowstone National Park, 13,Board of Indian Commissioners, 64 66, 75 n15, 83, 86 87, 100;153, 154, 154 n3, 224, 497, and Murchie Mine, 45 n2; on503 wastage of reservation lands,Bode, Emil, 7 56; on Webb Hayes, 64 65;Bodmer, Karl, 267 n6 immediate family, 109 10,Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 399 n3 112, 185, 294; on New York,Boston Advertiser (newspaper), 109 11; opinions of clubs, 111;216, 489 and West Point, 111 12; onBoston Indian Citizenship Com- Nelson Miles, 154; on Williammittee, 154, 154 n3, 274, Stickney, 154; on Walter Allen,490 91 154; and J.Owen Dorsey, 157;Bouchet (Squaw man), 134 on O.O.Howard, 166 n10;Bourke, J.M., 36 Christmas Eve at White House,Bourke, John Gregory, 1, 7 9, 13, 181 83; and Battle of the25, 57, 70 n10, 73 n14, 101, Rosebud, 186; on Mennonites106 n3, 108 n7, 116, 125, 128, and other Anabaptists, 262 63,158, 163 n7, 170, 172, 182, 268 70; and Bureau of Ethnol-186, 191, 200, 220 n2, 234, ogy, 263, 287; prepares ethno-242, 247, 262, 264, 292, 295 logical questionnaire, 302ff.;n4, 299, 307 n15, 313, 317, researches Bannock Indians,321 n8, 361, 364 n1, 369, 369 321 ff.; romanticism, 354 n8; 520 INDEXat Tesuque Pueblo, 361ff.; Butler, Mrs., 69, 101researches Navajos, 376ff.; Byram (mine owner), 45, 295researches Zunis, 407 ff.Byrne, Thomas, 124, 274, 448Bourke, Sarah (daughter) (seeJames, Sarah Bourke) CBoy Chief (Ponca), 230 Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar Nuñez, 415Brackett, Albert Gallatin, 44, 447 n9Bradley, Luther Prentice, 374, Calfee, Henry Bird, 66, 490389, 406, 441, 447 CampBreck, Samuel, 104, 447 Apache, Ariz., 479Brewster, William Barton, 144, Bowie, Ariz.(see Fort Bowie)447 Brown, Wyo.(see Fort Washakie)Brewster, Mrs.William Barton, Carlin, Wyo.(see Cheyenne De-145 pot, Wyo.)Bridger, Jim, 40 n22 Date Creek, Ariz., 219, 219 n1,Bridges, Corporal, 143 453, 466, 476, 478, 481, 486Broken Jaw (Ponca), 234 Hualpai, Ariz., 121, 121 n3, 123,Brooke, Edwin J., 228, 490 472, 473Brooks, Miss, 278 Lincoln, Ariz.(see Camp Verde)Brulé Lakota Indians, 223 24, Lowell, Ariz., 446, 476250, 257, 507 8, 509 McDowell, Ariz.(see Fort McDow-Buffalo (Ponca), 178, 260 ell)Buffalo Calf (Ponca), 230 McPherson, Ariz.(see Camp DateBuffalo Chief (Macdonald) (Ponca Creek)half-blood), 172, 191, 206, 230, Pond Creek, Kans.(see Fort Wal-231 lace)Buffalo Chips (Ponca), 229 30, Robinson, Neb.(see Fort Robin-234 son)Buffalo Rib (Ponca), 201 Sheridan, Neb., 114, 140 44, 448,Bull That Leads (Ponca), 260 467Burdett-Coats, Baroness, 299 Thomas, Ariz., 451, 478Burlington & Missouri River Rail- Verde, Ariz., 451, 472, 484road, 318, 318 n6, 394 Campaigning With Crook (book),Burke, Daniel Webster, 31, 33, 35, 17 n5; reviewed, 17 19, 466447 48 Campbell, Edward, 88 n3,Burnham, Horace Blois, 397 Campbell, Mr.(Citizen of Frisco),Burns, James, 105, 114 15, 222, 36448 Campbell, Mr., (Milwaukee & St.Burns, Mrs.James, 105 Paul Railroad official), 134Burns, Mike (Apache), 114 15, Canby, Edward R.S., 461114 n14, 117, 186 Cantonment Reno, Wyo.(see FortBurrows, George, 66, 66 n7 McKinney) INDEX 521Cap n Jack (Uintah Ute) (see Chappell, Phil E., 314, n1Wan-ro) Chase, George Nathan, 47, 449Captain Jack (Navajo), 383 Chase (Thaddeus Stanton s clerk)Captain Jim (Shoshone), 323 25, 118, 119, 120, 125, 134, 136,504 137, 141, 145Captain John (Bannock) (see Cherokee Indians, 187, 213,Logan, Captain John) Cherokee Strip (Oklahoma), 187Carlisle Barracks, Penn., 114 n13, Cherry, Samuel Austin, 124, 136,289, 403, 403 n5, 449Carlisle Government Indian In- Cheyenne (Dakota-Yankton ad-dustrial School, 114, 114 n13, opted into Poncas), 197, 205,186, 289, 325 addresses Ponca Commission,Carlton, Caleb Henry, 23, 448 244Carlyle, Thomas, 298 Cheyenne Agency (Darlington,Carol, Sprigg, 294 Okla.), 193, 204Carpenter, William Lewis, 23, Cheyenne Depot, Wyo., 101, 101125, 302, 311, 448, n19Carpenter, Mrs.William Lewis, Cheyenne Indians, 17, 20 23,132 20n8, 60, 185 86, 193, 304,Carrier, Arthur J., 200, 490 91 325, 330, 333, 340, 359, 364,Carr, Camillo C.C., 449 457, 508Carroll, Samuel Sprigg, 449 Cheyenne Outbreak, 450Carson, Christopher (Kit), 376 Cheyenne River Agency, Neb., 250Carter (Boston Indian Citizenship Chicago & Northwestern Railroad,Committee), 274 136, 146, 185, 219, 273Carter, Judge, 48 51, 57, 59, 62, Chicago, Burlington & Quincey66 67, 104 Railroad, 104, 146, 318, 344,Carter, Mrs., 186 393Carter, Robert Goldthwaite, 106, Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul106 n3, 449 Railroad, 219, 222, 269,Carter, William, 48, 56, 104 Chicago, Rock Island & PacificCastañeda, Pedro de, 399 n3 Railroad, 51, 112, 147, 158,Catherine II (the Great of Russia), 159, 317, 393263, 268 Chicago, St.Paul, MinneapolisCatlin, Nelse, 490 and Omaha Railroad, 16Cavalry Yellow & Infantry Blue Chicago Times (newspaper), 17,(book), 457 494Cayuse Mary (Bannock), 342, 342 Chicago Tribune (newspaper),n19.168Chambers, William, 217, 273, 449 Chickamauga, Battle of, 474, 495Chance, Jesse Clifton, 374, Child Chief (Ponca), 172, 188,Chandler, Jeff, 505 191, 201, 260 522 INDEXChimahuevi Indians, 123 Conden, Dr., 33, 451Chimahuevi Sal (Apache-Yuma), Congdon (Union Pacific shop su-219, 220, 221, 222 perintendent), 397, 397 n1Chouteau, August, 260, 491 Conline, John, 358, 370, 403, 451Church, Professor, 48 Connor, Patrick, 507Citizen (Minneapolis-St.Paul Cook (agent at Rosebud), 124,newspaper), 216 n1 125, 134Clark, J.F., 20 Cooke, George Frederick, 370,Clark, Robert A., 450 450Clark, W.O., 395 Cooke, Miss (dinner guest atClark, William, 260 White House), 181Clark, William Philo, 108, 302, Corbin, Henry Clarke, 104, 450316, 317, 450 Corcoran (railroad superinten-Cleveland, Grover, 498, 503 dent), 25, 28, 29Clift, Emory White, 374, 450 Corcoran Art Gallery, 292, 292 n2Coates, Edwin M [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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