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.If you wish(250 fils).From Ramtha, service taxis and hours) in northern Jordan for slightly less.office in Amman: to travel further than Sharm el-Sheikh youT R A N S P O R TTRANSPORT 262 GET TING AROUND www.l onel ypl anet.com www.l onel ypl anet.com GET TING AROUND " " Ai r 263need a full visa for Egypt.You can get this Peregrine Adventures (x03 9663 8611; www Where public transport is limited or non- less than a day s ride apart, heading southat the consulate at Aqaba (see p251) or on.peregrineadventures.com, www.geckosadventures.com) existent, hitching is a common way of getting from the Syrian border  ie Irbid-Amman-arrival at Nuweiba.Yalla Tours (x1300 362 844, 03 9510 2844; around.Hiring a car is a popular, if more Madaba-Karak-Dana-Petra-Ma an-WadiWhichever direction you travel in, you info@yallatours.com.au) expensive, alternative.Chartering a service Rum-Aqaba.All these places have accom-will have to hand in your passport to im- taxi (white) or private taxi (yellow) is another modation of some kind and restaurants, somigration authorities on the boat and pick Israel & the Palestinian Territories alternative, and having a driver will take the there s no need to carry tents, sleeping bagsit up at the immigration offices in Aqaba Desert Eco Tours (x972 8637 4259; www.deserteco hassle out of driving, although the cost will and cooking equipment.Most other attrac-or Nuweiba.tours.com) Specialises in camel, hiking and 4WD tours; vary depending on your bargaining skills.tions can be easily visited on day trips, byTravellers from Eastern Europe may want based in Eilat.bike or public transport.to get their Egyptian visa before boarding AIR The King s Highway is the most scenicthe boat as some have been refused entry UK Since only 430km separates Ramtha in the route, but also the most physically demand-onto the ferry at Aqaba because they had Abercrombie and Kent (x0845 070 0610; www north from Aqaba in the south, Jordan has ing.The Desert Highway is boring and theno Egyptian visa.abercrombiekent.co.uk) only one internal flight, between Amman traffic is heavy, while the Dead Sea High-There are money exchange facilities at Alternative Travel Group (x0186 531 5678; www and Aqaba (JD39, 40 minutes).See p225 way has extremely few stops, and is alwaysthe terminals at Nuweiba and Aqaba.The.atg-oxford.co.uk; 69-71 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 6PJ) for details.hot.Two stretches along the King s High-Jordanian side offers a decent exchange rate Activities in Dana, Wadi Rum and Aqaba.way where you may want to take public(at the time of research JD1 equalled � 1.2) Cox & Kings (x020 7873 5000; www.coxandkings BICYCLE transport are across the extremely wide andbut avoid travellers cheques, which attract.co.uk) Cycling is a popular option, but not neces- steep Wadi Mujib valley between Madabaa huge commission.Dragoman (x0870 4994 4750; www.dragoman.com) sarily always a fun one.March to May and and Karak, and between the turn-off toThere is a sporadic twice-weekly catama- Exodus (x0870 240 5550, 020 8675 5550; www September to November are the best times Wadi Rum and Aqaba, which is very steep,ran trip between Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh.exodus.co.uk) to get on your bike.has appalling traffic and plenty of treach-(officially US$45, three hours) but this wasn t Explore (x0870 333 4001; www.explore.co.uk) The disadvantages are: the stifling heat erous turns.The steepest climbs are thoseoperating at the time of research.High Places (x0114 275 7500; www.highplaces.co.uk) in summer; the few places to stop along the from the Jordan Valley up onto the easternIf you are travelling from Egypt you will Ten-day hiking and scrambling trip in Wadi Rum, including highways; the unpredictable traffic, with plateau in the north.arrive in Aqaba too late for public transport a Christmas departure.drivers not being used to cyclists; the steep Spare parts are not common in Jordan, soto Petra or Wadi Rum so you ll have to Idrisi Travel (x31 0492 340632; www.idrisitravel streets in some cities, such as Amman and carry a spare tyre, extra chain links, spokes,overnight in Aqaba or arrange a taxi.co [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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