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.Ymodem s larger data block results in lessoverhead for error control than required byXmodem; however, if the block must beretransmitted because the protocol detectsan error, there is more data to resend.SEE ALSOKermit; Xmodem; Zmodem ZZ 1110 Zero-Slot LANZerrors.Zmodem also includes a featureZero-Slot LANcalled checkpoint restart, which allows aninterrupted transmission to resume at theA zero-slot LAN is a local-area networkpoint of interruption rather than starting(LAN) that uses one of the existing serialagain at the beginning of the transmission.or parallel ports on the computer ratherthan a special network interface card (NIC)SEE ALSOplugged into the computer s expansion bus.Kermit; Xmodem; YmodemBecause zero-slot LANs can transmit onlyas fast as the computer s output port, theyZoneare considerably slower than networks thatuse network-specific hardware and software.In an AppleTalk network or internetwork, aThe maximum length of each cable segmentlogical subset of nodes which, together, formis also severely limited, so zero-slot LANsa subdivision.A zone can have a name asso-can connect only two or three computers.ciated with it, and a node can be part of oneThe advantage of a zero-slot LAN is itsor more zones.The zone name is used tolow cost compared with dedicated networksimplify routing and service advertising.Asystems; however, the prices of newer peer- zone can encompass multiple networks andto-peer networks are beginning to negatecan cross network boundaries (that is, applythis advantage.to parts of several networks).ZIS (Zone Information Socket)In an AppleTalk network, a socket (accesspoint) associated with the zone informationprotocol (ZIP) services.ZIT (Zone Information Table)In an AppleTalk network, a ZIT maps thezone name(s) associated with each subnet-work in a network or internetwork.ZmodemA popular file transfer protocol available inmany off-the-shelf and shareware communi-cations packages, as well as on many bulle-tin board systems.Zmodem is similar toXmodem and Ymodem but is designed tohandle larger data transfers with fewer APPENDICES Acronyms andAbbreviationsAAAPPENDIX 1114 Acronyms and AbbreviationsAppendix AIt has been said that with only a thousand dif- AAL-PCI ATM Adaptation LayerProtocol Control Informationferent words you can express any idea inEnglish.If this is true, then the following acro-AAL-SDU ATM Adaptation Layer Servicenym list has enough entries to make severalData Unitlanguages.Acronyms have become a languageAALx AAL Protocol x (x=1, 2, 3, 4,of their own, and they are bandied about andor 5)used just like ordinary words.Because theyhave become such an integral part of any dis-AAP Alternate Access Providerscussion related to computer topics, and partic-AAP Association of Americanularly to networking, we have tried to providePublishersa list that is as comprehensive as possible.Thelist has grown by about 1,900 entries since theAAR Automatic Alternate Routingfirst edition, and the acronym/abbreviationAARNet Australian Academic Researchpopulation grows daily.If you can t find anNetworkacronym here, try finding it at the followinglocation on the Internet:AARP AppleTalk Address ResolutionProtocolhttp://www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/acro.htmlAAU Audio Access UnitBe aware that some acronyms are from otherAAUI Apple Attachment Unitlanguages.The expansions for these may lookInterfaceodd because they are translations [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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