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.got his money out, but then his bicycle is stolen.023-354_Miller-p2.indd 555/3/07 12:52:17 PM56 The American ClockLee still thinks that the family has money to sendAct Twohim to college.Rose refuses to sell her piano and is feeling theIn Iowa, a drought has punished farmers likepressure.Lee has saved enough to go to university,Henry Taylor, whose crops have failed.His farmwhere his friends Joe, Ralph, and Rudy are graduat-is up for compulsory auction because he could noting and are worried about their future: Joe advisesmake payments, and his fellow farmers have comeLee to read Marx and plans to be a dentist; Ralph isto help.Judge Bradley insists that the auction pro-trained in aircraft design but will go into the minis-ceed, but the farmers take over and force the auc-try (until a war comes along and reinvigorates thetioneer to sell the farm for a single dollar so thataircraft industry); and Rudy plans to sign on for fur-Taylor can have it back, even though he has nother courses rather than be unemployed.Lee wantsmoney to run it.Banks, a black ex-soldier, tellsto go into journalism.After graduation, he travelshow the Depression hit farming communities andSouth to gain some experience.In Mississippi, heforced many to take to the road just in search ofsees a different world, even more destitute than thefood.Banks relates how one fellow hobo, Callahan,North, despite tobacco companies and others mak-helped him, but most people whom he met wereing money by exploiting workers.out for themselves.He sings “How Long,” but thatJoe sells flowers on the subway for a living andchanges into “The Joint is Jumpin’ ” with marathonvisits a prostitute, Isabel.He is worried about thedancers crossing the stage.Taylor begs for worksense of intolerance in the air—it reminds himand food at the Baums’ house.As he faints, theyof the German depression and how they begangive him water and a meal.Rose is even preparedusing the Jews as scapegoats.He realizes that into let him stay in their basement, but Moe givesthe United States, the poor are the scapegoats.him $1 and sends him along.Joe reads communist literature while envisioningQuinn enters, dancing, and talks to Robert-a purer socialism that is based on love, but he isson.He has recently become president of Generalutterly alone.Banks is still wandering, searchingElectric but is unhappy; he has begun to see howfor work.Rose loses her piano.Lee meets Isaac, aunfairly such conglomerates operate, with secretblack café owner down South, who is surviving themonopolies that crowd out the small businesses.Depression well; he trades for a $30 radio from theHe wants more honest competition, seeing that aslocal sheriff.On the radio, they hear Roosevelt try-the American way.Robertson thinks that he woulding to buoy up the nation.be foolish to resign because it will change nothing.Doris and Sid argue and consider dating otherInterviewed by a reporter, Quinn relates his tale ofpeople but end closer than ever as they have fallenrags to riches, paying attention to the details—cal-in love.Unable to find work as a journalist, Leeculating the optimum number of lamps for the bestapplies for a WPA job for which he first needs toprofit, knowing his business down to the numberbe on Relief.He can only be placed on Relief byof bricks in the wall—and announces his intent tohaving his father pretend that he hates his sonresign and to begin a small business advisory.Heand has thrown him out of the house.Robertsoncontinues to dance, content in his renunciation ofsuggests that the American spirit has not been bro-the corporate world.ken because they built the Empire State BuildingLee has realized that there is no money for col-during this time.There is a mix of ethnicities atlege and gets a job.His cousin, Sidney Margo-the Welfare office, and they squabble and bemoanlies, is trying to write a hit song.Sidney’s mother,the state of things.Irene persuades Grace to giveFanny, tells him that he should court the landla-the remains of her baby’s bottle to feed the starv-dy’s daughter, Doris Gross, so that they can liveing Matthew Bush who has collapsed.She lecturesrent free.However, Sid and Doris discover thatthem to consider the collective power of COMMU-they like each other.Moe walks Lee to work andNISM, but Moe gives his dime to buy the man someasks for a quarter to get downtown, which makesmore milk rather than as dues to the Workers Alli-Lee feel of use.ance.Still, Irene rallies them with a call to solidar-023-354_Miller-p2.indd 565/3/07 12:52:17 PMThe American Clock 57ity.Talking to the Welfare official, Moe bursts outfeel of the energy of democracy.But,” he adds,in anger at his son’s lack of belief in anything.“the question of ultimate survival must remainJoe commits suicide out of despair.Lee visitshanging in the air.”Edie, a committed communist, who helps writeMiller allows no scene breaks and presents usSuperman comic strips, and they argue politics.Hewith a fluid montage of constant action.The char-does not see communism as the answer and hasacters often address the audience directly as if tobecome very cynical; annoyed, Edie asks him toinclude them as part of the throng.The effect thatleave.Rose plays cards with her relatives as she layshe wishes—and with the right direction and castlow to avoid the rent collector.They are in dangerachieves—is a collage of the American people, pastof eviction but have still taken in a penniless sailor,and present.They present an extended communityStanislaus, who helps with chores.Rose keeps con-that is constantly shifting, changing, evolving, andtrol in front of everyone but confesses that at times,ultimately surviving before our eyes.They representshe locks herself in the bathroom and screams.Shethe United States of America.To affirm this, Millerstruggles to maintain her sanity.Moe arrives homebegins by presenting onstage two quintessentiallyto calm her, insisting that they will be all right.U.S [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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