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.Asyour strength increases, bring your handtowards the bottom of the chair leg.Asyou approach the bottom of the chair, thedifficulty will dramatically increase.It maylook easy but give it a try! 63CHIN-UPS AND PULL-UPSOne of the easiest ways to spot a Warrior is to see him hanging from a chin-upbar.Chin-ups and Pull-ups separate the men from the boys (or for our femalereaders, the women from the girls).Most people stay away from the bar becausethese exercises are difficult.It is much easier to play with a barbell than to pullyourself over a chin-up bar.Before we get into the specific exercises, let me once again remind you of Paralysis by Numberalysis.Chin-ups and Pull-ups are two of the most commonexercises that suffer from this disease.Most people are satisfied with 3 sets of10 or 12.Why settle for this number? What is stopping these individuals fromreaching 15, 20, or 25? There is no answer to this question.These people havesettled for their current fitness levels with no desire to improve.They may wishto improve themselves but the hard work that is necessary often changes theirmind.We need to take this mindset and flush it down the toilet.Let me remind youonce again of our quest for CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.The chin-up bar that I use in the exercises that follow can be attached inside adoor entrance.I purchased this device for around $20.If you do not haveaccess to a chin-up bar, I strongly recommend one of these portable bars.Pull-up  The traditional Pull-up involves ashoulder width grip on the bar.Your palmsshould face away.Lower yourself until your armsare completed extended and straight.Pullyourself up so that your chin comes over the bar.You can add variety to this exercise by grippingthe bar with a narrow grip or a wide grip.Thewide grip will shift emphasis to the upper backwhile the narrow grip works the shoulders. 64Chin-up  For the Chin-up you will turn your palmsto face you.Once again you should lower yourselfall the way and lift up until your chin comes over thebar.Commando Pull-ups  With this variation, grab thebar from a sideways stance.Your hands should betouching each other.Pull yourself to one side at atime.Your left shoulder should hit the bar first, thenlower yourself and pull yourself up from the other sideso that your right shoulder touches the bar.Towel Grip Pull-ups  With this variation, wrap atowel around the bar two or three times so that thebar becomes nice and  fat.The towel will make thebar thicker and more difficult to grasp.Perform aPull-up in a normal fashion.The thicker bar will reallystrengthen the hands and forearms.You willdefinitely feel this one!Another great way to increase hand and grip strengthis by pulling yourself up with only 2 or 3 fingers on thebar.This is an advanced movement that Irecommend. 65Hanging Towel Pull-up  Hang a rolled up towel orshirt over the bar.Grasp the towel and pull yourself upas you would for the Commando Pull-up.This variationwill make your forearms burn!Alternate Grip  Alternate your grip so one palm facestowards you, with the other away.Work both handpositions (left hand facing away and left hand facingtowards you).In the illustration, my left hand is in thepull-up position with my right hand in the chin-upposition.Cliff Hangers  Cliff Hangers involve holding yourselfin a half way Pull-up position for as long as you can.Your arms should be slightly bent.Pull yourself up halfway and hold.This exercise is great for hand andforearm strength.Cliff Hanger Variation  A variation to this exercise isto hold yourself with your chin over the bar.Hold thisposition as long as you can.You can hold this positionwith either a Chin-up or Pull-up grip.The Pull-up gripwill be more difficult.Also try hanging from only 2 or 3 fingers! 66Include these variations in your routine and you will notice the results.You canperform 12 repetitions of EACH variation for a great workout.After a few weeksyou will be able to bust out sets of 15 repetitions.Lastly, whenever you wish to incorporate a hand/forearm workout into your Pull-up routine, use the towel.The thicker grip on the bar will give you amazing handstrength.Give these variations a try.Always remember to incorporate variety to provide new ways to challenge yourbody and mind.Never settle.CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT!All Warriors should be able to perform 20 Pull-ups.Once you hit 20, focus on 25!The Warrior s Way Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records. William A.Ward"I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death.Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger."- Mencius Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. - Chinese Proverb Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice. - Samurai Maxim"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."Henry Ford Do not confuse motion and progress.A rocking horse keeps movingbut does not make any progress. Alfred A.Montapert 67THE WARRIOR's COREA Warrior must overcome all challenges and challengers.He must be able torespond quickly and often react from awkward positions.A Warrior mustcombine balance and strength to reach his (or her) potential.To achieve thisgoal, the Warrior must strengthen the core.The core of the body consists of theabdominal and low back musculature.The core serves as the foundation for thearms and legs.The core supports your vital organs while offering protection forthe nervous system [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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