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.As you are making the above moves, you say something to the effect:  We started with four cards, and we ll end with four.Of course, and here you glancedown at the cards in order to glimpse the index of the spectator s card,  it s possible thatone of these is the card you are thinking of.As you finish saying this, you hold the now-squared packet towards you and spread it sothat the spectator s card is hidden behind the second-to-last card.As the cards are facingyou alone at this point, it is easy to make sure that the two final cards in the spread remainsquared: Mmm, if it is here, I ll have to do things a little differently.Yes or no, is one of theseyour card? And here you drop both hands, still holding the spread, so that the spectatorcan see the cards.She will, of course, say,  No. Good, that means I can stick to my original plan.4.Take the top two face up cards with the right hand and, loosely squaring them, dropthem on the table.Immediately go back for the remaining cards, square them withoutrevealing the hidden card and casually drop them on top of the two already on the table.Then turn the whole packet face down.This packet should be placed where the spectatorcan easily cover it with her left hand.She is, remember, already covering the remainder ofthe pack with her right.From this position, you can now finish as before.Mime removing a card from the deck,looking at it and throwing it at the packet of  four.Then:Demonstrate that the spectator s card is no longer in the deck;Reveal its identity;Show that it is now in the packet under the spectator s hand.Email: hopley.family@tiscali.co.uk The Ghost of the Ferry Boat InnRoger FerrribyA spectator is asked if they had a pet dog as a child or indeed a dog now.They are askedto secretly print the dogs name on a playing card, and then face down insert it backinto the pack of cards for safe keeping.The mentalist has of course turned away andgenuinely does not know the name written, but turns around and relates the story ofghostly appearances each year on the 17th March at the inn situated just south east ofHuntingdon in a small village called Holywell, and next to the river Great Ouse.Each year the bar is packed with people jostling each other for a hopeful view of the ghostof Juliet Tewsley and her faithful Collie dog as the clock strikes midnight.Her gravestoneis now part of the floor in the pub's extension.The story dates back to the 17th March1050, when Juliet had fallen madly in love with a woodcutter called Thomas Zoul, a lovethat was scorned by Thomas.Deeply upset, Juliet hanged herself on a nearby tree, towhich her faithful dog would return to day after day after her death.The dog would not eat,and sadly pined away, having lost his mistress.The authorities ruled that Juliet must be buried at a nearby crossroads, being the usualplace for those who committed suicide.Kind villagers buried her dog next to her after itsdeath.Eighteen years later, the Ferry Boat Inn was built close to the grave which wasmarked by a single stone slab.In time the inn was extended and Juliet's stone was left toform part of the floor.Very few have seen Juliet's ghost rise from her grave in the pub floorover the years, but on certain cold, dark rainy nights, the poor Collie can be heard whiningunder the tree.The performer then apologizes for not giving the dog's name, which is thenrevealed to be exactly the same as the spectators pet secretly written on the playing card.ExplanationI have always been a great advocate of the KISS formula.For those who don't know, itstands for Keep It Simple Stupid.Mentalism is mostly performance orientated, to createthe correct atmosphere for the effect.Getting hold of the necessary information is easy,The effect is made by what you do with it.This story-telling effect is really to illustrate the use of a great utility item I came acrossaround 25 years ago.It was invented by a magician sadly no longer with us, CharlesCrowley, who gave me permission to use it.You will need a pack of cards, a very sharp craft knife and a little patience.Take the cardsout of the box, and retain around six, placing these to one side.All the rest of the packneeds the center of the cards removed as per figure 1. Fig.1The back of the card case is cut out exactly the same, with the front flap side leftcompletely intact.Place all the cut out cards back into the card case, so the deck is completely hollowed out.Turn the pack over onto its front, and it will look a completely normal deck.Now just as an experiment, take one of the six cards put to one side, place a sticker in themiddle, write anything on it, and then slide it back into the middle of the deck.Now pick upthe deck, and in doing so you will get a natural glimpse of the hollowed out side on movingthe deck from one side to the other, or putting the deck into you top pocket and you haveyour information.Always leave the spectators card slightly sticking out of the pack for ease of extraction atthe end.You also need to experiment with your card case as to how many whole cards toput on to the top of the deck, so as to not make the inserts too tight.By using a sticker onthe middle of the card, you confine the spectator to print the information in exactly theposition you want it.For those purists who do not wish to use playing cards, Peter Warlockinvented a stack of small envelopes, made in exactly the same way as the card deck.Theenvelope deck can be enhanced if you wish by using Roy Johnson's brilliant switch,utilizing Alan Shaxon's flap.This is not mine to expose, but can be found in Roy's books,which contain some very good mental magic/mentalism in them.Chas Crowley's original idea with the card case may also have been invented by othersover the years, but I have yet to read of any.Chas's idea can be utilized for manyduplication type effects and is so much easier and far cheaper than many of the peakwallets on the market today.Email: roger.ferriby@btinternet.com My Ching:A Personal Reading and Ancient ForecastByDr Todd LandmanThe Metaphysical MagicianRequirements1.A set of I-Ching cards (preferably ones without the numbers on the face)2.Feng Shui elephant (or equivalent cool Chinese icon)3.Chinese envelope (or parchment)4.Chinese bag5.I-Ching book (optional but adds gravitas to the proceedings, the Ritsema andSabbadini edition is the recognised authority, although Wilhelm is also good with anice intro by Carl Jung)EffectThe performer/reader introduces a Chinese bag from which he removes a deck of I-Chingcards and explains that the original system started centuries ago and is based on thevision of imagery on the back of a turtle [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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