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.Shape into bars and bake for about fiveminutes at 350 degrees, or just until they hold their own weight.GARBAGECookies, cakes, and other commercially baked foodsLoaded with trans fats, which are now generally considered one of the two most evilfoods in the American diet. CLEAN EA TI NG 281MargarineSame deal: The fat, derived from vegetable oils, is a mutated lipid that is more dan-gerous to your health than any of the natural ones.Non-diet sodaFilled with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the other evil food.This very cheap,monstrously plentiful corn-derived sugar is a metabolic nightmare.Unlike other sug-ars, which your body recognizes as food, HFCS produces such a small rise in insulinthat you can drink a six-pack of Mountain Dew before your body realizes you haveany actual calories in your stomach.This gets back to my assertion that your bodydoes know the difference between thirst and hunger and also knows the differencebetween calorie-free water and calorie-rich foods and beverages.HFCS muddies thisdifference, to the peril of anyone who consumes a lot of it.MayonnaiseStore-bought mayonnaise is usually made from soybean oil.Soybean oil is a polyun-saturated fat, and polyunsaturates are often lumped together into the omnibus cate-gory of  healthy fats.However, there s a world of difference between the omega-6polyunsaturated fats in soybean and other vegetable oils and the omega-3 fats foundin fish and flaxseed oil.Research going back decades shows that vegetable oils corn,soybean, safflower, and sunflower produce an inflammatory response that s beenlinked to a bunch of nasty illnesses.Certainly, we have a myriad of diseases that in-volve inflammation, starting with arthritis and lupus and working up to heart diseaseand cancer.I m not saying mayonnaise causes cancer, just that vegetable oils providelittle or no benefit and potentially lead to inflammation that could then make youmore susceptible to diseases you wouldn t wish on your worst enemy.However, there s an easy way out: homemade mayonnaise.I got this recipe from awebsite called cookingforengineers.com: Whisk together two large egg yolks, three ta-blespoons of lemon juice, a quarter-tablespoon of salt, and a pinch of pepper.Slowlyadd a cup of very light olive oil by drizzling some, whisking until it solidifies, thendrizzling some more.After a few minutes, you have a great-tasting mayo, and you canmake it even better with Dijon mustard, garlic, or Parmesan, alone or in combination. 282 THE NEW R ULES OF LI FTI NGWhite breadNo fiber, no nutrients you can t get elsewhere, and a near-instant surge of sugarinto your bloodstream.What s to like? Williams offers this stark analysis:  For every5 grams of fiber in white bread, you re getting 141 grams of carbs. In contrast:  Forevery 5 grams of fiber in lentils, you re getting just under 10 grams of carbs.Cereals with sugar addedGo ahead and play  Three Degrees of Clean Eating with Lucky Charms.I can t evenguess how many degrees you d have to churn through just to get the food coloringonto the marshmallow clovers.Sweetened fruit juicesMay as well just swallow packets of sugar.The manufacturers try to dress them up bytouting the vitamin C content, but it s really just pure sugar, with none of the fiber ormicronutrients you get from real fruit.Processed meatsNot long ago, we were told that red meat is linked to all kinds of bad things, includ-ing the one thing every guy who enjoys his morning  quiet time on the throneshould dread: colorectal cancer.But more recent research has refined that idea.Yes,high consumption of red meat is still linked to colon cancer.But you can get aroundthat in two ways.First, avoid processed meat such as bacon and sausage.Accordingto a 2005 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, thosewho ate the most processed meat in 1982 and 1992 93 were 50 percent more likely tohave colon cancer in 2001.Another risk factor: a high intake of red meat relative topoultry and fish.(In fact, poultry and fish were linked to a lower risk of colon cancer.) PART 6LIFE 23Long-Haul LiftingI haven t ruled in a while, so let me wrap up this book with one more:NEW RULE #20 " If it s not fun, you re doing something wrong.A few years ago, I discovered fast lifting.Along with some of the exercises you ll get totry in Alwyn s New Rules workouts push presses, explosive push-ups I was doingthings in which I literally let go of the weights at the top, catching them on the waydown.Damn, it was fun.And I never had any trouble clearing out enough room tolift in my gym.Once people see a weight leave your hand, they ll give you all the spaceyou want, and then some.Not every new technique I try out has that dramatic an impact on my enjoymentof my favorite pastime.But I still manage to enjoy lifting more as my years in the gympile up.If lifting hasn t already clicked for you; if it s still something you feel obligated todo, as opposed to something you look forward to and wish you could do more often,I can t predict what the turning point will be.285 286 THE NEW RULES OF LI FTI NGBut here s my guess, just because I ve seen it so many times before:Let s say you go through an entire year of Alwyn s New Rules programs, the firsttime in your life you ve consistently followed a structured routine without gettingsidetracked.Your body finally looks more like the one you thought you were meantto have, and you re able to pick up dumbbells from the right side of the rack withoutfeeling like an impostor who should be using the smaller weights to the left.At that point, you feel like a lifter.You re in a gym, you know what you re doing,you re beginning to discover what your body can and will do with the right stimula-tion, and suddenly you see all the possibilities right there before you.You look at theguys with bigger arms and smaller waists, and you no longer feel diminished or in-timidated.You know the secret formula.You ve cracked the code.The inches you vegained here and lost there came from the same instruction manual those guys hadwhen they started out in fact, since you ve got the most authoritative and up-to-date edition, you could very well achieve what you want faster than they achievedwhat they wanted.I sincerely hope you get to that moment, to your personal clicking point.Maybesome day we ll work out together.If we do, trust me on this: It won t bother me at allif you kick my ass. NotesChapter 13 Cooper Institute study: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, October 1992; 24(10): 1080 1087.4 Harvard Alumni Health Study: Journal of the American Medical Association, October 23/30, 2002;288: 1994 2000 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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