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.to Scurry, Feb.6,1899, Mar.19, 1899, Apr.2, 1899, July 22, 1899, Mar.4, 1900 (two letters),Mar.6, 1900, Mar.11, 1900, Mar.19, 1900, Apr.5, 1900, May 18, 1901, June3, 1901, GC-AGR; MRCB from Jan.1897 to July 1901, with first quotationin July 1898, RR-AGR; Scurry to McDonald, Aug.27, 1900 (last quotations),LPG-AG-AGR.Special Order #3, which dealt with Special Rangers, wasissued by Adjutant General Scurry, with the authority of the governor, on Feb-ruary 10, 1899.These regulations were similar to the previously mentionedrules of 1891.Scurry especially pointed out that the authority of a SpecialRanger would be revoked for unbecoming conduct, drunkenness, unnecessaryshow of authority, and performing duties without just cause.See GC-AGR.Early in 1899 McDonald submitted some names for appointments as SpecialRangers, including former Ranger Captain Arrington and two former mem-bers of Company B, Forest Edwards and Oliver Perry.McDonald to Scurry,Feb.25, 1899, Feb.26, 1899, GC-AGR.In 1899 Adjutant General Scurryreceived requests from the Panhandle to appoint former Sergeant Sullivan aSpecial Ranger.He replied that he would not do this, as Sullivan had been discharged for insubordination and intemperance. Scurry to McDonald,Dec.7, 1899 (quotations), Dec.11, 1899, LPB-AG-AGR.23.For a description of the extradition process with Mexico, see P.Clayton toSayers, June 5, 1899, June 12, 1899, GR.{ }3 5 6NOTES24.Acting Secretary, Department of State, to Culberson, Jan.28, 1895, Feb.6, 1895, Brice requisition papers (Mar.1898), Folder 102, Box 301-160, GR;Culberson to Department of State, Jan.21, 1895, ibid.to McDonald, Jan.21,1895, W.F.Bowman, private secretary, to ibid., early Mar.1895, Mar.29,1895, Sept.22, 1895, Letter Press Book, GR; MRCB for Jan.1895 (quota-tion), RR-AGR.25.Scurry to McDonald, Mar.9, 1900, LPB-AG-AGR.26 Diana J.Kleiner, Orange, Texas, in New Handbook of Texas, IV, 1160 61;Alan S.Mason, Orange County, in ibid., IV, 1161 62.27.Austin Statesman, Aug.19, 1899, Aug.20, 1899; Sheriff P.F.Eastin,Orange County, et al.to Sayers, Aug.18, 1899 (quotations), GR; Paine,McDonald, 260 61; RAGST for 1899 1900, pp.9 10, 22 23.Whitecappingwas a virulent form of local violence aimed at white ne er-do-wells, blacks, andSpanish-Mexicans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.28. Report of Conditions at Orange, Texas, Oct.11, 1899, GR.Key docu-ments will be attached to Adjutant General Scurry s report to the governor.29.Ibid.A lawyer recommended that at least two rangers should be kept atOrange for several months. They would help in stopping a veritable reignof terror. C.A.Teagle to Sayers, Aug.21, 1899, GR.30.Sheriff Eastin and County Judge George F.Poole to Sayers, Sept.18, 1899(quotation), Teagle to Hon.J.M.Browning, Sept.19, 1899, GR.31.Scurry to McDonald, Sept.20, 1899, Sept.21, 1899, LPB-AG-AGR.32.MRCB for Sept.1899, RR-AGR.33.Ibid.for Oct.1899, RR-AGR.34.McDonald to Scurry, Oct.2, 1899, GC-AGR.35.Ibid., Oct.14, 1899, GC-AGR; MRCB for Oct.1899, RR-AGR.McDon-ald told the governor about the doings of Judge Poole, the county attorney,and the sheriff that hindered the investigation and prosecution of criminals.Due to this state of affairs, the Ranger captain did not make complaint againsttwo men who were arrested.The sheriff asked the governor about the lengthof time he could hold those arrested without a complaint being made.Thegovernor replied by saying that the complaint should be made out immedi-ately and a warrant obtained.Eastin to Sayers, Oct.6, 1899, McDonald toibid., Oct.6, 1899, GR.36. Report of Conditions at Orange, Texas, Oct.11, 1899, GR.37.Houston Post, Oct.1, 1899.38.McDonald to Capt.Phelps, Nov.26, 1899, ibid.to Scurry, Nov.9, 1899,GC-AGR; MRCB for Nov.and Dec.1899, RR-AGR; Scurry to McDonald,Dec.6, 1899, Dec.7, 1899, Dec.9, 1899, Dec.11, 1899, LPB-AG-AGR.39.MRCB from Jan.1900 through June 1901, RR-AGR.40.Fuller to Scurry, May 1, 1900, GC-AGR; MRCB for June 1899, RR-AGR;RAGST for 1899 1900, p.23 (quotation).{ }3 5 7NOTE S41.Austin Statesman, Dec.22, 1899, Dec.24, 1899; Galveston Daily News,Dec.22, 1899; MRCB for Dec.1899 (quotation), Jan.1900, Apr.1900, RR-AGR; Paine, McDonald, 261; RAGST for 1899 1900, Appendix, 33; Scurry toMcCauley, Dec.21, 1899, Dec.24, 1899; Scurry to McDonald, Dec.25, 1899,Dec.26, 1899, Dec.29, 1899, Jan.4, 1900, Jan.11, 1900, Feb.23, 1900, Mar.17, 1900, Mar.26, 1900, Phelps to McDonald, Dec.22, 1899, LPB-AG-AGR.42.McDonald to Scurry, Apr.12, 1900, GC-AGR; Scurry to McDonald, Dec.29, 1899, LPB-AG-AGR.43.Galveston Daily News, Oct.17, 1900; Houston Post, Oct.16, 1900 (quota-tion); MRCB for Oct.1900, RR-AGR; Paine, McDonald, 261 62; RAGST for1899-1900, pp.23, Appendix, 33; Sterling, Trails and Trials of a Texas Ranger,339.44.MRCB for Oct.1900, RR-AGR.George H.Poole had several scrapes withthe law.Officials in Orange County tried to extradite him from Louisiana in1896 and 1898 for burglary of two different dwellings and from Missouri in1899 for filing a forged instrument.In the case in 1898 Samuel Poole was anaccomplice.Secretary of State, Extradition Papers, Box 2-10/407.See also Sher-iff Eastin to Private Secretary Cravens, Dec
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