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.With modern diagnostic techniques,meet the criteria established by definition of the term "treated." Thecancer can be detected at an earlier stage.The time betweenlonger it takes for completion of the treatment, as in multiple steptherapy, for example, the worse the error.diagnosis and death is longer, but the length of life itself has notWith this effect stripped out, the common malignancies show a increased at all.(2) This is merely another statistical deception.remarkably similar rate of demise, whether treated or untreated.(1)When X-ray therapy is used, the body's white blood cell countSuch statistical error is significant, but it is doubtful if it could is reduced which leaves the patient susceptible to infections andaccount for the American Cancer Society's favorite claim that other diseases as well.It is common for such patients to succumb"there are on record a million and a half people cured of cancer to pneumonia, for instance, rather than cancer.And, as statedthrough the efforts of the medical profession and the Americanpreviously, that is what appears on the death certificate as wellCancer Society with the help of the FDA."(2)as in the statistics.As Dr.Richardson has observed:The answer lies in the fact that there are some forms of cancer,I have seen patients who have been paralyzed by cobalt spinesuch as skin cancer, that respond very well to treatment.Oftenradiation, and after vitamin treatment their HCG test is faintly posi-they are arrested or disappear even without treatment.Seldomtive.We got their cancer, but the radiogenic manipulation is suchare they fatal.But they affect large numbers of people enoughthat they can't walk.It's the cobalt that will kill, not the cancer.(3)to change the statistical tabulations drastically.In the beginning,There is an old joke about the doctor who told the recentskin cancers were not included in the national tabulations.Also,widow: "You will be happy to know we cured your husband'sin those days, very few people sought medical treatment for theirdisease just before he died." The death of U.S.Senator Paulskin disorders, preferring to treat them with home remedies,Tsongas in January of 1997 was proof that this is no joke.Hismany of which, incidentally seem to have worked just as well asobituary stated: "Hospitalized Jan.3 with a liver problem becausesome of the more scientifically acceptable techniques today.of cancer treatments, Tsongas was cancer-free at his death."At any rate, as doctors became more plentiful, as peopleIf the patient is strong enough to survive radiation, then hebecame more affluent and able to seek out professional medicalstall faces a closed door.Once the cancer has metastasized to ahelp, and as the old-time remedies increasingly fell into disre-second location, there is practically no chance that the patient willpute, the number of reported skin cancers gradually increasedlive.In addition to an almost zero survival value, radio therapyuntil it is now listed by the ACS as a "major site." So, all they hadHas the extra distinction of also spreading the very cancer it isto do to produce most of those million-and-a-half "cures," was tosupposed to combat.change their statistics to include skin cancers presto-chango!Jones, "A Report on Cancer," op.cit.1.Jones, "A Report on Cancer," op.cit.2.Robert N.Proctor, Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know and Don't2.Letter from Mrs.Glenn E.Baker, Executive Director, Southern District, ACS,Know About Cancer (New York: Basic Books, 1995), p.4.addressed to Mr.T.G.Kent, reprinted in Cancer News journal, Jan./Feb., 19721.Letter from John Richardson, M.D., to G.Edward Griffin, dated Dec.2,1972;p.22.Griffen, Private Papers, op.cit. PROVEN" CANCER CURES149148 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part Onecancer cases is now "cured" or "controlled," but seldom if everOne of the most publicized claims by The American Cancerbacked up with the requisite statistical or epidemiological supportSociety is that early diagnosis and treatment increases the chancefor such a statement to be scientifically meaningful, howeverof survival.This is one of those slogans that drives millions ofeffective for fund gathering.Such a statement is highly misleading,people into their doctors' offices for that mystical experiencesince it hides the fact that, with systemic or metastatic cancers, thecalled the annual checkup."A check and a checkup" may be anactual rate of control in terms of the conventional five-year survivaleffective stimulus for revenue to the cancer industry but itsis scarcely more than one in twenty.(1)medical value is not as proven as the hype would suggest.As Dr.One may well ask Dr.Weilerstein where are all the moderncurative methods to which he, the California Cancer AdvisoryHardin Jones stated emphatically:Council, and indeed so many administrators so glibly refer?.No,In the matter of duration of malignant tumors before treatment,disseminated cancer, in its various forms and kinds remains, by andno studies have established the much talked about relationshiplarge, as "incurable" as at the time of the Kefauver Amendment tenbetween early detection and favorable survival after treatment.years ago.(2)Serious attempts to relate prompt treatment with chance of curehave been unsuccessful.In some types of cancer, the opposite of the The statistics of the ACS are fascinating.They constitute manyexpected association of short duration of symptoms with a highpages of tables and charts showing cancer by location, sex, age,chance of being "cured" has been observed.A long duration ofand geography.But when it comes to hard numbers about thosesymptoms before treatment in a few cancers of the breast and cervix"proven cures," there is nothing.There is only the unsupportedis associated with longer than usual survival.Neither the timingstatement: "One out of three patients is being saved today asnor the extent of treatment of the true malignancies has appreciablyagainst one out of five a generation ago." This may or may not bealtered the average course of the disease.The possibility exists thattrue, depending on one's definition of the word saved.But even iftreatment makes the average situation worse [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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