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.ÿþgian mansion,   Salubria,  in Culpeper Country.Upon her death, Thompsonmarried again, this time to Elizabeth Rootes, daughter of Maj.Philip Rootesof   Rosewall.  38 William and Thomas Dawson, brothers who, like Blair, bothserved as commissary and as president of William and Mary College, werenot disadvantaged by their Virginia marriages.William s first wife was MaryStith, sister to the Reverend William Stith, which linked him to the Randolphfamily.Upon her death, he married Elizabeth Churchill Bassett, widow of Col.William Bassett of   Eltham  and mother of Priscilla Bassett, who marriedWilliam s brother, Thomas Dawson.39Ann Lewis, daughter of Capt.Edward Lewis, was John Skaife s first wife.Her death at age twenty-seven and burial alongside their two daughters, onedead at three years of age and the other at ten days, must have been power-ful and poignant reminders to the Stratton Major parson of life s fragility.Anne Waring, the daughter of Col.Thomas and Elizabeth Waring of   Gold-berry  in Essex County, was the wife of John Smelt, minister of St.Anne s(Essex).A wealthy widow, Mary Micou Fauntleroy, was the choice of IsaacWilliam Giberne.Henry Skyring,   a Man of strict Honour and Integrity, won the hand of Lucy Moore, whose father, Bernard Moore, held all the postsmarking a county planter-magistrate colonel of militia, justice of the peace,and member of Burgesses and whose mother, Catherine, was the daughterof former governor Alexander Spotswood.John Bracken, who came to BrutonParish in 1773, matched his prize appointment with a prize marriage to Sally,the daughter of Carter Burwell of   Carter s Grove.  40Virginia-born parsons not surprisingly also married advantageously.Typi-cal were Robert Barret and Abner Waugh.Barret, rector of St.Martin s Parish(Hanover), the son of Charles and Mary Leigh Barret, a Louisa County planterfamily, married twice in the course of his long pastorate of more than fortyyears.His first wife was Elizabeth Lewis, daughter of Robert and Jane Meri-wether Lewis of   Belvoir.  Almost a decade after her death, he married again,this time to Anne Lee.41 Philadelphia Claiborne, daughter of Philip White-head Claiborne and Elizabeth Dandridge Claiborne of   Liberty Hall  in KingWilliam County, married Abner Waugh, rector of St.Mary s Parish (Caro-line).Waugh s father, Alexander, was an Orange County planter.42 The weightof evidence thus clearly points to a relatively open and fluid society throughoutthe century, one in which the dominant planter gentry embraced those whoselearning, professional qualifications, or newly acquired wealth gave them, bythe standards of the day, some claim to gentility.43Enfolding the clergy within gentry society afforded the former an incalcu-.140 parsons [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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